Tower of Avondale

So, don't unify everything, because as we shall see in the following essay Ypoc, aka Nimrod is a bad idea without proper control. You see Ypoc is quite the concept, in that it showcases the whole world being unified by a single root and this sounds good at first. The problem comes from the fact that you have to look at everything. Their are several problems with this, some obvious and some not so obvious that linger for a time. They are as follows.

Firstly, their is far too much of everything for any single person to do. Infinity cannot be grasped by a single man, not in that way because unity while unifying a concept increases in complexity and the amount grows exponentially. What started as four principles becomes fifteen then 30 and then ridiculous amounts. Until your talking about things no one else knows because their was no agreed upon direction to go in.

Second, their is too much dark things you encounter that you didn't need to bother with, because your never going to have it since no one understands you. Plus some people don't like scary things and would prefer a certain kind of thing, over a battle with a guaranteed solution.Rather it's important to note that while the problem can be solved with unification, its not a perfect solution, because its not the same thing.

As it grows exponentially, you learn more things that are stronger then the last and have to constantly search for bigger solutions to larger problems while your concepts slowly degrade into things no one could hope to understand, because you can't explain to them without first explaining the lesser portions , which you not only forget but can't explain. I however was able to keep quiet about them until I found the amount overwhelming to talk about because it had extended beyond my capacity to remember what i had talked about months prior.

Further, I liked some of the older ideas better than newer ones and they are equal in many respects, some are however more complex. In that they are different forms of similar concepts. Its important to note that one should have what they want over what exists at an equal level for all, not a tower of exponential growth that goes on forever and is kind of good and bad, but doesn't work because you end up completely alone somewhere in the multiverse.

In essence , this whole concept is doomed to fail, without proper control. In that their should be organized directions in which people go in, so that they experience what they want, not just run in a random direction thereby dividing the people in unity , instead of unifying them in division.

This is precisely why Babylon fell, because they didn't know it would happen, luckily I figured it out with the parallels and am now taking a fourth option , which I had initially hoped would be the case but couldn't utter. This is the concept of aversion, while slightly more complex is simple. Any specific sequence of parts can exist and if someone wants it, we should work towards having that part somewhere in manner that works for everyone.

Perhaps my subconscious did this for good , to demonstrate the danger of some beliefs, which is precisely why they should controlled in parts and not let to run rampant across entire worlds. In this view no concept is wrong, but that it ends up being okay only because it works with the other ones in separate location.

However , if that had been aloud to continue in chaos, it could have potentially caused a recurrence in history. Therefore , avoid doing it excessively and simply pick from the parts I show you, that you like.

If you want to go into the tower , use it wisely by taking portions that interest you and not parts you feel obligated to have, but try solving the ones you encounter. Still don't explore that tower like its the only way, because the point is literally that it isn't alone.

Ita would never have agreed with you and that's the point, neither would Morius.

Lastly, I will be going back to my notes and exploring it from four perspectives that are general and so a baseline for other potential worlds. Since different parts allow for different things, it should function by that means. If you want to focus on another part, go ahead, but focus on what you like. 

In a way this is a cruel joke of nature to show people that you shouldn't just run into another universe without it even being there, because its not organized in a part and then try getting people to come up a tower they don't understand because you didn't remember the entrance. 

Parts for each person however, works well because they get what they liked from nature and life. Further, Ypoc did show that their is much more in life than just one thing, by making it unified albeit incomprehensible because of its size.

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Maybe we just look for a better way and version of what we want, rather than bloodshed for the lowest way and version of what we got. Howe...