On the building of a world.

This lesson is ruled by Morbu. Who wishes to teach you navigate her creations or not in accordance with the rules.

Their are persomnia for this but they are missing for now , for I choose by belief not to draw them today and can't anyways.

On this subject, we are discussing the nature of world building, the art of making stuff up in accordance with the infinite worlds of reality formed in the circle of Morbu, who painted all things into being for the sake only of that but is not God, only the creator of perceptions by which we see the world. We believe or don't because we choose to or don't based on our beliefs and so all are right and wrong in parsimp, therefore this is an art and study of the worlds, which is essential to its basic principles and splits, since I walk between them to discuss them and am not in fact anywhere in this but instead declare each a parsimp alone, in my own belief I have none, which is far beyond yours simply for being me and not you. You probably disagree unless I convince you and perhaps you in your craft will take this knowledge as it is or modify it to your way, for both are right in accordance with being wrong. You may call me mad for I am mad but this is not true because I myself am gone like the wind, mumbling crap about wonders that some will never believe and contradict its nature on a daily basis. You may think you've found me if you look for me , but you have simply filled my nothing with something that you invented, filling it with hogwash. Now let us begin.

For this we shall learn by example and explanation, the example we shall use is the parsimp that men and women have different amounts of teeth, since that is sufficiently absurd for our lesson.

First let us look at the great magic of No, since it is the wall, which creates your worlds boundaries and secludes your world to its specific halls  this in turn makes your world that way and is the power of denial, this is that which will bring a foundation to your world because it is not that and declares that it is not that to you because no it isn't. This as long as it is built should be an insurmountable wall because no matter the case it isn't that, not even just for you in some cases because sometimes it just isn't that at all in accordance with one and all. This power of will and belief is dangerous because it can lead to frustration on both sides of the argument because both or one says no and can render something undone barring the hall, yet it is weak because of that since their is always a way around the wall in a world where we know this and not one without. You may say no but this effects your world in its way of saying no because that is the world you live within and effects the other minds in its context. Further one can in fact say no to all things and be left empty for that is a way and hall to everything because it is none of it in that case.

Therefore in our example; No we do not have any difference in number of teeth.

Now let us look at the other great magic of Yes, since this is what fills your world , which creates for you the whole of your place in the cosmos, which accepts this as what it is but is also the defeat of your old world since it is now changed but this is a matter of perspective, if you liked the yes which you must have for its sake or not, is now the way for you in your life. This places you within the world you live within and declares that it is right for you or for everyone or some and so makes that your world, this is your layer by which you live and is the way because you said yes to the way. This is the face of the earth by which you decree life and its many forms are your vision and depth no matter how much you take. This is what it is and not what it is as parsimp because saying no can lead to a yes of another sort and vice versa.

So then; it is true that men and women have different amounts of teeth.

This is the following of yes and no, Maybe, which is neither but not neither since that is just no doubled, this is the power of super position between two points, this one offers great power in being not sure if it is that or not, giving rise to a simple uncertainty which declares to all that it might be that but maybe not, this is the simple parsimp that opens the door to an interesting perspective of standing between a door and looking at both sides allowing you to live within both places and live within those rules, not being partial to one or the other and so mix the tenants of both without mixing them because you don't know.

In example; I do not know if men and women have different sets of teeth.

Their is also thrice that , which speaks and says that it is in fact all of that because of its parsimp declaring with passion that it has found a way between that is different but the same, a new perspective that functions differently but does in fact unify the whole issue of the conversation. This will bring peace to some but not all because they said no and that is good and true too, but we are discussing thrice and it is then we see that thrice is but another direction to go in and another world to live in different from yes and no, a new belief still unseen which can be kept as such.

So therefore in our example in this worldview; It is in fact both because of wisdom teeth and size of jaw, which changes the amount of teeth in the mouth.

Now we shall look at the kinds of worlds that can be generally formed in category.

Their is the conserver , which conserves the yes of some and no all else, this is to keep living in the same world and not add another to your memory, this is your way and that alone, having decided on a specific set of rules and denying all else as false and lies, this is all to the world or perhaps their is more in the sense of other worlds and this is the one you live in, yet this is yours and that is it and so nothing else is the case. Their world is orderly and strict.

So in the example we have; their is only that way with question of teeth and that is it.

Then we have the explorer who is maybe and thrice, for this kind of world enjoys the luxurie of many worlds and more, thinking perhaps it is that or this and so wants to know more about life. Therefore they desire to have and hear more about another world as they see this as that , another perspective to understand. They are lost somewhere in the mix of infinity and have knowledge of many places, free to move about the world they look for more and journey for opinions unseen, their world is chaotic and a mess but they like it that way.

So for them; it could be any answer to the question of teeth and gender.

Then their is the world crafter, who builds worlds from any peice and says yes, no, thrice and maybe depending on his mood and desires for the art, who does not follow the guidelines except when he chooses to follow rules and who builds anything from his craft and art of a new sort, both explorer and former he chooses what he see's with a passion for anything that could be, his world is one way today and opposed tomorrow, keeping it small or massive, he may even have multiple worlds to share.

So for the world crafter; teeth are maybe different by gender, but definitely not because they have different sized jaws, wisdom teeth are the reason only on Tuesdays.

Their is also Yes to Thrice, No to Thrice, Yes to Maybe and No to Maybe, but those ones are self explanatory.

The missing persomnia form a missing Alder as well. That of great Change.

Ill probably make the persomnia eventually. It takes a while.

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