Plastic diamond and puzzle nodes

The following idea is a manner to learn several differing ideas together, including in this case a universe through nothing but a single object, which can then either be taken from or used as it is or simply studied  to gain various kinds of insight.

The object used is a plastic diamond that I found one day. In a tangent I have two, found in different areas. Using the following puzzle or phental node , we can generate some known information about the object to begin with. However we will also use four themes I selected to encourage those directions of thought. The themes are magic , physical, random and idea.

To begin I will list the nodes and their descriptions for the object , then explain any specific detail I need to explain.

Appearance: Turtle Beak

This is the appearance of the diamond in another dimension, it appears also as a turtle beak and we will be using this appearance as the intelligent alien on the other world. Please refer to paradolia when looking for an objects appearance.

Color : Eclian Blue

While color is obvious, eclian is not and this simply means a mix of shades of blue within the diamond in this case.

Actual : Diamond

Put simply this is what it actually is.

Physics: Irdiamond

This is the alternate physics of the diamond, currently functioning by randomly sticking together into varying shapes that slowly attract each other. Dependent however on size , with lessening strength.

Kind : Plastic

This is what the diamond is made of here, one can add more physical information then this , dependent on universe and uses, such as atom or the like.

Use : Decoration

What it is used for.

Orbit : Once every so often.

This is the movement of the object throughout the day or time period cycle.

Plor : Water

This is something else its plor looks like, being its texture and is unlike the appearance only in one being shape and texture and the other only texture. Another example is calling a woods Plor, rock, because their similar.

Using just these variables we will now create associated topics and concepts, for the world and this one at times.

Firstly their is decor philosophy, which is the belief in the study of life as an aesthetic thing which produces various beauties. These beauties can be observed throughout the world and one should take the time to look at them with great detail, absorbing their various qualities. One should also take pride in creating those beauties so as to have more things to see.

This will be the philosophy of the people in the other dimension and can obviously be used in this one as well.

Their is a rule to the crystals that form in that they can only move once towards another and then again as one new thing which grows exponentially, this is a slow effect as well. This can be done here by having someone stick new crystals onto old when no one is looking. Although you could also do it with crystals filled with glue that fracture slightly with pressure sticking together. Made of a brittle plastic. Interestingly plastic is another element of that world , which is unaffected by this phenomenon.

the color pallet of this world is green, blue, indigo and white, due to splitting the color eclian blue into separate shades. We will give meanings to these colors for further reference, respectfully they are nature, hope, enlightenment and purity.

The turtle beaks will try capturing falling crystals and making sculptures by attempting to catch more falling crystals with that one. This is an art form there and could be replicated here with the glue crystals, however the glue requires a solvent for your hands dependent on its strength.

They also believe magic only functions by never repeating the same spell twice in long periods of day/night cycle. The reason is for the tiny particles inside the crystals.

One can also take inspiration from the physics to create moldable crystals that are covered in a sticky goo that is squished out, for sculptures or paper mashe. Perhaps using that one for the crystals instead of cracking them.

Interestingly their is another philosophy within the mixes of the ideas here, one can have a philosophy of false decor, which to the turtle beaks is considered any decor of the plastic kind, since that one can easily be moved.  This philosophy suggests that false decor is good but false and does not exist compared to the existent crystal decor. It should be used as additions and not the main aspect of the decor.

Another aspect of this world is goo, which has its own philosophy, the philosophy that the goo in the sky is unreachable and capable of being quite beautiful , but not arrangeable and ever changing in appearance and so it is important to be in the right place at the right time. The turtle beaks are fast however.

The world is made of a fluid containing the crystals and plastic. As well as goo , this is the component elements of this world as well as the secret elements of the diamond. The three elements not counting the fluid creates the meanings fake, true and new. Useful for greater creation.

Together with the meanings of the colors this forms two studies of interest for the turtle beaks. The pure decor of the true nature of new things and the pure decor of hope in enlightnentment for fake things.

While the irdiamond forms the crystals, sticky balls form plastic and goo bars form goo.

We can take those three things and give them meanings beyond , crystals can have shiny, blue, wisdom. Sticky balls can have organized, white, honesty. Good bars can have interconnected, green and sick. Avering those ideas we get three concepts for the world:

Wisdom jewels which offer wisdom to a person. By studying their angle numbers.

An organized faith that teaches honesty. Through lessons on controlling ones honesty and truth.

As well as an interconnected disease between turtle beaks that can be cured by finding the root patient.

The two concepts I mentioned earlier can be extended:

The first study of decor , on the true nature of new things that come into decoration originate from another dimension. Which is studied to understand the beauty of other worlds.

Through the hopeful study of the incorrect decor , can they hope to attain wisdom of the true decor in study by learning ways to generate universes through the plastic shape. ( they measure the angle numbers and create variable measures )

A third study can be made from the first two in which they study the true origin of the fake decor so as to know what it is. Their first clue is that it is capable of movement and so is alive and other worldly life forms.

You can also create the puzzle nodes for the physics particles themselves, however since they are all particles , the kind is rendered unnecessary to write down.


Appearance: Man fish

color : blue

Actual : Irdiamond

Physics : Sub energy

Use : decor

Orbit : one move

Plor : Sky

This I will then convert into the four themes

Magic: Sky decor magic, which is to study the shapes of the sky goo to understand the coming of the next decor that will be wonderful. Or to cause the next beautiful sight.

Physical : The particle battery, made from small plastic is used to power technology in the world they live in.

Random : their is a legend of the man fish in the sky, unfortunately I don't have time to make it. Perhaps another time.

Idea : The turtle beaks think sometimes in one move per thought, meaning they say one idea per turn.

We will follow this up with the second particle, sticky balls.

Appearence : Cells

Color : White

Actual : sticky balls

Physics : Sub Energy

Use : Movement Decor

Orbit : any move

Plor : Snow

Magic: In this case the turtle beaks use the plastic, but we use snow currently to do this. It is the art of snow divination, in which the arrangement of the snow in clumps predicts the future.

Physical: A toy in which you have bouncing balls with magnets that stick together and that's what you try to do.

Random : Creative chess , in which you you sculpt your own chess pieces and have reasonable move rules to play against others.

Idea : An attempt not to unify but find the true source of multiple ideas, such as the flat identical origin of atheism and umbrellas. Which is a shielding from the contact  of the dropping of delusions.

Next up is Goo bars

Appearance : base of a tree

Color : Green

Actual : goo bar

Physical : a lack of sub energy

Use : Stationary decor

Orbit : none

Plor : Universe

Magic : Stationary nothings, from which one can effect in location, an event.

Physical : The idea to use as little power as possible in creating a world.

Random : The parsential conclusion that anything green does not move, but that everything moves around it.

Idea : Basing oneself on four boundaries , create a universe from the borders

Their are a few more things I can bring up , through this plethora of information. I will do so to demonstrate that any concept held within this can with other concepts produce even more.

Firstly , the sub energy splits into three kinds , which cause the appearance of the following . The A charge creates crystals, the B charge creates sticky balls and a purely uncharged zone creates fluid. The absence of sub energy produces goo.

We can convert that into an idea that one can play a game popular with the turtle beaks, in which one drinks a fake truth serum and admits things.

They play another form of chess called particle chess, in which they use the particles as chess pieces based on their actual behavior. Crystals move once, plastic can move once per turn, goo bars move in any four directions and one must always move if a crystal or plastic is moved.

In reality, one could create a goo that moves with magnetic putty and tiny moving nanobots within which drag the goo around.

Snow divination in the real world also has a potential extra use other than divination. As one can use the pieces found in the snow to produce a magic divination, by reading them to find a cause and prediction from these pieces. One could use a modification of several meaning generators to do this.

Their are also actual sticky balls that could be made.

Now its interesting to note that it is the sub energy that also causes day and night, which is indigo or white dependent on time and has an overall rotation of where it is day or night, this same process causes sporadic appearance of the various elements in the nature of this world. The world itself is expansive and the goo can move dependent on where the fluid is.

To finish this off , I will generate 17 more themes ( 4 each + 1 ) then attempt to replicate this world in our passive universe form, so that you can experience it somewhat in this world. Since the layers are present in our world, but that is the topic of another essay.

Another kind of magic that can be done, is separating the kinds into day and night, meaning you can only use your magic at certain times of light or dark dependent on its overall element or other structure used.

One can also change their plor elements to create a new system of four or more elements for use in magic, such as crystal, plastic, goo and fluid.

A system of meaning can be made with certain coordinates in a room arrangement, observing this arrangement can if willed caused the effect to occur. For example drawing lines between the table and kitchen counter and then ascribing meaning to it to finally will that effect.

Basing oneself on a rotation, one can create a cyclical pattern of energy, by moving various decorations to different places based on a general schedule, which can then be used as an energy source for your magic. Or perhaps an encouragement of events transpiring.

One can study the mystery of an object , which is to understand the origin of a things qualities through various means to gain greater knowledge of that object, perhaps question the origin of its color or shape and finding an answer for its source of being.

An easy liquid is a liquid that is easily malleable. Like a clear putty but more stable then that, more like playdough. It could be made with putty and beads which are clear and small for added structure. I think.

Their could also be rare crystals in that world that are black for added wonder for the race of turtle beaks living there, they are for nothing more than decor and are a sign of good luck in the next sight.

One could also make goo astrology, in which one charts their future using nothing but the motion of the goo in the sky, using and creating images that can be seen as predictions for the future. This could be done with clouds here instead of goo, or perhaps even the sky for a rarer image.

Expand fluid is a fluid that expands with time and slowly dissipates from lack of matter, while I have no idea how to functionally make something like this it is possible that one could consider space or a gas to be this concept, since both expand and eventually dissipate.

Light plastic is simply plastic that glows ( theirs a light inside it )

Crystal goo, is a substance which can be solid in appearance but squishy and as a gel but not necessarily breakable and obviously in the shape of a jewel, I don't know what it could be used for, but I'm sure if i tried I could find a better use then decoration. Maybe a mattress?

A rotational world view is either a concept in which one rotates their worldviews in some form, meaning some days their atheist and other days their theist. However , it could also be a manner of rotating ones objects to see different views throughout a time period and keep a certain degree of novelty to ones life ( albeit a lot of moving stuff around, so perhaps a genuine schedule should be kept )

An idea one could have is to spend time observing different times of the day, to simply watch them for either study or simply relaxation and happenings. Either day or night watching, perhaps meditating with ones eyes open during this time and taking in the world around oneself. Perhaps even recording new events.

Similar to goo astrology, the arrangement of goo can help one create meanings of different arrangements by what they appear to be. This can be done by taking their appearance and parsing them with meaning to attain a new concept idea or thing. Obviously one can use clouds here.

Another interesting concept on the side of astrology is simply magical weather forecast, in which you use the clouds signs as a means to predict the coming weather in basically the same amount of accuracy as an actual weather forecast :P

One can also study the origin of causes through mystery after they occur , instead of studying the art of causing them to occur, similar to studying magic , this uses the symbolism of the event to understand where it came from after it occurred. One can apply universes and magic to this but it is unnecessary.

The extra one is as follows, one can create gravity decorations, which either attempt to falsely defy or use gravity as a form of decoration to solely entertain the observer and perhaps produce new forms of artwork in that area.

Now, since I have already spent two days preparing, writing and extending this generators products I only really have time to show you the equivalent elements to the other world. Which are goo, crystal, plastic and fluid.

Fluid  is most liquids

Plastic , is plastic and metal

Goo is the sky, while the cloud is the falling matter and sub energy

Crystal is pretty much anything else

One can apply the physics described to this if they want and use the tools listed herein to experience the world a little.

This concludes this lengthily post.

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