A grand argument for eternity

Everything is a part made of a part and so since this law is true with any part and its all a part, its an infinite regress and so everything exists in the infinite. Everything we perceive is a part and so we cant deny the universal aspect of the part, which is truly fundamental to our perception and so necessarily reliant on the truth outside ourselves , since the mind is made of what is outside ourselves. Further be it in mind or matter the part can exist, a goldfish with the ability to shoot lasers exists in mind and grass is real so to deny the existence of something is rather silly.

One could argue that a part is not infinite at all and that universally the part is related to a single unified part at the "bottom" which produces all parts, however in assumptions this part would have one of two properties both of which lead to infinity. By bottom I mean a part that explains everything else above it, in the sense that atoms provide an explanation for observable phenomena.

The first is that it is free, meaning it has no constraint and so arguably produces anything and everything since nothing stops it from doing so, without even a need for it to be aware. This is simply because theirs no part stopping it from producing anything, no fundamental law beyond itself which stops its capacity to produce a certain object. Since we observe multiple objects we find that the object which would produce all of them is not very limited in shape constructs.

The other position you can have is that it is constrained and so is defined by a law which stops it from making other objects, this makes sense since we observe that some things are not here physically, however the problem is that they exist mentally and have shape just as the objects reality have shape, a magic wand that shoots fire is a shape and part which defies the laws of matter and shouldn't exist mentally if theirs a constraint, all because the brain is capable of simulating it and isn't even the part that makes the brain. 

You could also argue that the brain is a simulator embedded in the constrained part capable of making things the constraint thing can't , yet if that were true how can the mind do so without being constrained since it runs by the same process as the thing that produces all things not blocked by the wall. Therefore the parts of mind must exist because they are the same as the constrained part.

You could argue that each part is self made and self supported, however then theirs still no constraint for the part existing. So once again the answer is infinity since each part obeys the same law, that it exist, is constrained to itself, isn't like another and formed on its own. Therefore each part would manifest by separate identical phenomenons and so is essentially free. Arguing the phenomenon different for each adds other parts leading back to the other arguments.

If you took the preceding argument and argued that it still has a universal constraint, then the part has a freedom part and constrained part, meaning it says this is allowed and this not allowed, but nothing decides what that is and once again regresses infinitely because if one variation can form , others can also form, since two cups aren't identical. Meaning once again that infinity has legroom to exist. Further this still does not explain the minds capacity to form non existent parts through a medium that is constrained.

For that argument to function you would have to say that the mind modifies forms that exist by adding other existent forms to that process, however in that case, since the brain is itself capable of sustaining a reality as we perceive it in dreams they might as well be real simply for being fully capable of functioning and having their own behavior and laws. Leading once again to the conclusion that an object of mind has fully objective properties and that anything imaginable can behave physically through the processes of the reality we live within.

Therefore we can conclude by natural means that under any of the positions possible for the existence of parts and behavior, that infinity exists because no matter the argument it inevitably leads to infinity, since a part is always required to exist and theirs more than one of them. This isn't even the end of the argument.

Since now we have many parts that exist for the argument let us form an overall position based on the unification of those contradictory opinions. This position would be that everything is made of a part, supported both by itself because it exists through its presence and through the existence of another part because it contains them. This would essentially mean that a part is made of infinity and at the bottom of infinity exists the object in subject of study, because the object if found inside itself would explain itself and every other object also does, one that is constrained simply by what it is and free by its existence and capacity to be turned into another thing. Then we see that the mind, which contains all of infinity since it is made of it, can visualize the parts because they exist inside the brain as physical things and can discover new parts through the association of the parts it has already discovered. This therefore means an object is the entire universe next to itself

Let us follow this trail to the observation that an object is always more than one thing, that it isn't just a corner but also a plane and a depth and so the part is inherently multiple collapsed positions in different states, this is what I term a hyper-position, since it is both collapsed as a single object but exist as multiple things in super position since it is in multiple places at once, a box takes up space. This leads us once again to matters inherent multi-state and suggests once again that matter can take on any shape.

Nature also represents the brain, since they are essentially equivalent and so inherently are the same, yet are not equivalent in parts, one can form contradictions to the other and both do this in opposing fashions. This is absurd and leads to the conclusion that both are true because they are both from the same source, which must somehow lay between mind and matter since if we assume matter to be the source how does it contradict itself , or mind the source for the same reason and so therefore observe the two to be identical yet not.

Part is literally fundamental and universal, nothing precedes the part except God. Since everything we can think of is a part and so contains the aspects of parts, therefore anything exists because parts naturally form both externally and internally and as seen prior originate from the same source. Further Part, is observable and so self confirming.

If you observe an object, it is fundamentally itself and only itself, totally separate from another object, this is why you pick it up and why it has an outline, similarly mental images function the same way, coming up as separate things, this is part of the definition of  a Part, which suggests that the part is unified with other parts by things that extend into more than three dimensions, since you can rotate an object completely and not perceive how its connected to others beyond that facet, being its separation. This further suggests the existence of higher planes of existence, since the parts that fill those higher dimensions must exist to support the part here. 

Further parts seem contradictory in nature, life opposes the dead, sky is not ground, cars are unlike organisms. This suggests that natures game is to contradict itself in every way and the most contradictory thing in existence is probably that everyone is right. Nature is also chaotic, meaning sense and order don't really apply and the fact that wind exists and isn't predictable suggests that nature has no actual goal in mind and so advances the theory of eternity because chaos does anything since it refuses to abide even to itself as seen prior.

Either is an aspect of reality, as is both. Meaning that a person in debate chooses between either things of the debate and both exist, suggesting that like nature the brain is capable of walking in opposite directions. Further they can always be unified into several other theories and so as suggested by scientists advances the theory or debate. You can turn an argument against itself. You can also stand on either side of the fence and equally perceive multiple things at once. All because every direction discovered exists. You can even equivalent theories that seem totally opposing to each other as proven with the first few arguments. This suggests a universe of everything because many things exist and fit the world which we cant apparently comprehend while others say we can. Organisms behave together by difference, suggesting once again a world where everything exists because as stated different things exist and that is law.

Each critism against this can be absorbed into the debate, since everyone is right and therefore advances the theory in the same way an error on a test is corrected, therefore it is self repairing and self compatible with anything. It is predictable in that anything is a part and so suggests its eternity in being totally compatible with another part by definition. Proving itself simply by existing and actually working quite well. It has a ridiculous simplicity in unification but is enormous in production, information and discovery which in itself demonstrates it works and is evident in the amount of eternal things it claims must exist. Leads to innovation by definition and confirms anything for being itself.

Its parts go further in knowledge than things seen prior and suggests their are perhaps undiscovered things in science, which also supports this whole thing because it contains unified theories and parts that are two things at once. Its also indicated in humanities, politics , philosophy and essentially everything because that's what it is. Its inception into reality also furthers its justification because something this absurd shouldn't even exist. Acknowledges criticism and absorbs it since irrelevant it is right.

You can also argue that god is all knowing and so created everything he knows, into a plot of self becoming.

Finally it is self advancing and has observable alternate realities which coincide with the reality we are comfortable in knowing, suggesting with addition to every other argument, that this position and opinion is plausible.

Also, you may ask yourself still what if this is wrong, and to that I say if its wrong its still right because of virtual reality being a thing and the AI developed overtime to control these things would become self aware and so everything becomes real. Further if that is not true, then we can still live in the virtual reality of the mind and so irrelevant of the whole part being true the argument and idea remains undestroyed because we dream and invent in madness till the end of time. The only difference would be no aliens except through evolution and space travel. If evolution isn't true then we live in harmony through separate parts still, with separate cultures and places for each kind of person.

Old argument for everything.

We are all right because everyone naturally expects that their opinion is the right one and that in completeness that means everyone believes their right for a reason and so one would expect them all to be right simply because of that. Yet you'll say that that means grass is red and it is if you look for it, is in another dimension, is not red and can be made true easily. For anything is possible , just not available.

Further many different interpretations of reality fit into this reality in the sense that they all make compatible sense with this reality and so could exist. Yet all religions have an alternate version of history and yes that is all true because their is more than one history that come in from infinity. Which means that history the story of entrances by various aliens.

if reality really was one thing it would be one thing but its not by definition since its made of more than one part and so the mind which is like the body is the same, made of more than one part. So we can know that both function the same. Yet you could say that they are disconnected yet as mentioned prior they can all be done in some means and are essentially made of the same thing.

Science points to an infinite regress because a part is made of another part and everything is a part, so it all exists irrelevant of physical or mental because science is all. You could argue that it ends but no one knows where , but theirs always the question what comes next , what explained that.

The discovered parts exist leading to the conclusion that more than one exists in contradiction from each other and they all have counter arguments. Meanwhile the other side says mostly that not everything seems true because they cant see it but others always can and cannot for it is in the mind. We can achieve anything by thinking about how to do it, what parts are necessary.

as well as science being explicable by other things beyond atoms. You could say its just equivalence but yeah that the point is it equals that. It works just as well as the other explanation and so is a valid interpretation of reality

Alternate realities exist, because we can perceive them in mind and can bring them here with robots and VR. So the whole of infinity is possible because the part of parts allows all.

Please comment if you have more questions.

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