The moon at an acceptable distance.

Mazer, Pharath, Sam and Luck had gotten bored and wanted to show the world something they found important through an example. So they will journey to the moon, a place where they can do many things but their are limits.

"You know, we like the same things sometimes" Said Pharath.

"Yeah, but not always." Said Mazer.

"Further , while I often like unified things, I don't like all of them."

"This is why we need choices." Said Luck.

The moon is in another world, where their are four parts and a hub. The first part is comprised of a sea with pirates. It has two sides that do battle, the good pirates and the bad pirates. One sails about in battle against each other and has the choice which side they want and which wins.

The second part is a world where people work in Santa's factory making gifts for each other and can choose what to make and even receive.

The third part is a place full of monsters , which you become to scare each other and do battle. You have the choice between battle or scaring people.

The fourth place is a place of romance where you can choose to do many things with partners of choice.

Each place you can come or go at will, and you don't have to go to any one place.

The four guys arrived there excited to do some various things and hoped that it would function as they wanted. However , they quickly realized that they wanted to do different things and Sam had hoped they'd hang out, while the rest didn't mind. Further they didn't want to go to the same places or even do the same choices.

Pharath wanted to be a good pirate and make gifts.

Mazer wanted to be a bad pirate, be a monster and have some romance.

Sam wanted to make gifts and be a monster to scare people there.

Luck wanted to do both pirate plots, be a monster and do some romancing.

Therefore, because they can't be in two places at once , they have to make a plan to help keep each others wills at ease. This is where the hub comes in, where they discussed how to best make sure each one had at least a little of what they wanted. Luckily, their was a means on this world to make it so Sam could have company, but they'd have to set it up at the counter.

It would be set up , that while the others did what they wanted, Sam could still talk to them while he did what he wanted. Their were several possible ways, some with virtual reality, or a bluetooth. He decided to go with bluetooth because he would be seeing them later on in the day.

The point here , is that due to parts being certain ways, only certain things are available by part, but that reasonable options should be given in some.

While it is possible to have people do several things together, its a difficult thing to achieve and unification only works in specific cases.

However, luckily Sam was able to hang out with each in different groups in the places he wanted, but that is only in one case, had they all wanted to go one way and he wanted to go a totally different way, he would have probably gone the virtual reality root.

In cases where a person wants something and their is no virtual reality, since its likely expensive, bluetooth works. However it breaks the realism of certain areas and so different things should be available per part.

Is what any of them want wrong , when they don't force others to do it or experience it except the people who want it? No, no its not wrong, because its only wrong when you don't want to do it. So don't do it unless your that kind of person and only with those like you.

So don't force people to be like you, let them be who they are in a world where they can be, while agree on terms for places you both go.

I'm sorry, but unification doesn't work for all. If you wanted pirates and they wanted monsters, do you make monster pirates, or have all three for you, them and those between. This is the smoke that rises forever, because every complaint unified only brings more complaints that never resolve and never ends. So pick the ones you like and bring them to you and only you.

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Maybe we just look for a better way and version of what we want, rather than bloodshed for the lowest way and version of what we got. Howe...