
Ita is the persomnia of it, and the concept of only one kind. Meaning she does not allow for other kinds of concepts and only what she wants. She is not evil, rather she only likes her morality and only wants her desires to exist where she is. She demands certain things of the world and rejects others.

She suffers when she has to change because she didn't want to change , she wanted her thing and the way it was and so she is often seen as conservative and does not listen to others who suggest a different way of seeing the world. She is an important reminder that life and people don't always work in multiple ways, rather they function as one specific attitude. 

One shouldn't call her evil, although some might say she is, because she rejects your opinion with a determined and guaranteed opinion. She is however a good thing, because she keeps her opinion and so the various people like her with different but still singular opinions create diversity and difference.

However, in many ways this certainty of opinion and the way that it is only one way can be dangerous for the several kinds of people, because they always want their opinion and way and others always want another way. So then have empathy for Ita, because she deserves to have her way. However remember that she does not want anything but what she wants and so try to give her what she wants when it doesn't bother you and in a world of parts, respect her part.

While she can be considered the cause of many wars in this world, she is the enemy of this world. She is simply it, the only way and the one way of choice. She suffers because sometimes its not her one way and this is why she gets angry and tries to have her way. This is also why conserving parts of the world is important, because Ita will never leave.

Changing Ita would be murder, however some people are more open minded and this is okay since each part is essentially an it, all have taken a part and made it their it. The reason is simple for while Ita is one way, their is more, which shall be the topic of the next persomnia.

Other than this Ita represents any idea that one can have.

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Maybe we just look for a better way and version of what we want, rather than bloodshed for the lowest way and version of what we got. Howe...