The Corebit, a part in the parts.

This contradicts itself because it is made of the old and new, but both are true.

A corebit is the orbit of an object through worlds , but is stationarily present in multiple, existing firstly in its pure world, which contains the whole orientational pattern of the object in subject. An object is between planes existing in its own place but does not change in corebit. So it is projected onto other parts of reality, but we don't easily observe this except when an object changes and the object moves in corebit, replaced by another in proximity.

The corebit is a part which exist, it follows a path which connects it to itself and self sustains itself by the loop of an infinite regress which naturally returns to itself. This is because every shape fits within a shape by a fractal like pattern and must therefore inevitably lead to another part. Therefore a corebit is both a part that exists on its own and exists because of everything else. A peice of gold contains in infinity an ostridge, it exist here because the part contains itself another part that ascribes it to this one, so the chair is an earth chair but it is also a corebital shape wich exist in may places , connected by the form of its whole being.

The corebit of a single object is connected to other forms of said object by the substance of the object, the fabric of the greater corebit the fabric remains the substance of an object but does not continue into other substances, so the whole corebit is truly every form a single object can take, but also each individual form is a corebit in itself, this would be the difference between a minute corbit and and a corebit, the first paralyzed and the second in motion but paralyzed. So it is a substance in pure form but in reality we observe changes in this pure form but not the corebit. This is because it is only connected to this reality, a corebit in itself, but one far more compounded than a pure corebit and so angles overlap.

this is because the form and substance of the object is called a plor, which is itself the corebit, but the substantial corebit which fills the general shape of the corebit, the plor is essentially a multi texture wich forms foundation to the object and what it is, the corebit is the cut out of that plor, you could also define it as the shape of the object. This plor is what is made of all things, the grand texture of an object and every object. It can be eternally studied and each plor corebit combo is unique.

Still how can your corebit be here and not here but stuck in both, since surely if one cuts your finger you would not loose a finger. because it is a shadow of the corebits form and so changes effect the corebits shadow, one being the whole bit of your every form and the other being the bit you are in, the corebit doesnt change but it does change in the rendered path you are in because the shadow of a corebit is in a tubular direction containing the preordained variety of the corebits locational contents.

A plor undergoes change in reaction to another plor, but the general and overall shape of the plor remains the same, it exist in the unseen a retains the whole texture of the object from prebirth to after death and continues passed that because it cannot be created nor destroyed. A corebit is a multi state object containing many aspects because overal it is ever changing yet stationary. Further a corebit is singular in nature containing all aspects that are.

Still what of state changes, are they part of the same corebit, yes they are by extension but no they are not by difference, the corebit is replaced by another corebit in the state change because of convergence between two core bits on either side of a crack in space, meaning that between the wood and fire their is an exchange of wood and fire.

The plor of an object is like a texture, it is defined by the state by wich the object contains and so when approaching two substances you fold them closer, this in turn fabricates a new plor made of the inherent parts of the plor. Plor is not visible completey because it passes through smaller directions that can be observed by orientating yourself around an object.

The geometry that fits into a a place is self similar to its corebits shape, and states change by crack convergence and always bring the same thing because of the compound corebit they are located in. This is due to their proximity in one location but this is due simply to state change, but on the level of corebits the change is selected by infinite#random.

As said prior, the corebit is made of infinite parts that can also be ordered differently, atoms can go after phases or before. The whole semetry of the object is based on its inherent self support and explanations wich can be so varied it is entirely unknown what forms the object, but in knowing how it functions in relation to other parts is valid because you can observe it, but it doesn't have to be oservable. It is suggested you keep an eye on the explicable because ignoring that is rather dangerous.

Still this same premise leads to other worlds as parts of a geometry that are self similar to parts and shape. The corebit looks like another thing so is another thing, but their are layers to this as an object can be a tree and a fae, this is because corebits can be made themselves of corebits that act upon the closer corebit but the evidence lays in the geometry that fits with another part in existence of deeper layers.

An object is many things, itself is multi layered because it is formed of many parts a fae does exist inside a tree, but it can be in a rock too, the validity of each is merely a matter of decision since each is authored by morbu and so God. The fae is also not in the tree.

We can observe that the existence of deeper layers of a corebit are like the state changes with parts being selected by infinite#random. Both are made of the same part , but one is more distant than another because they are both made of a deeper corebit beyond a tree and fae. This means both are seperate states of the same thing separated by distance instead of proximity but cannot enter each other by that distance but can be found by finding that middle corbit.

The middle corebit of a tree and fae is that a fae is made of wood and dwells as such, it appears in this world because of that, much like a shadow over a lake. This is also however inherently untrue because trees are cracks in the sky, but only in winter when the snow elves come out. The tree could also be not a fae but the home of fae. It is all of this and none of it.

An interesting manner of learning of corebits and their parts is to explain an object with the parts that fit and explain it. I once explained air as tiny windmills made of a hole from wich came out other parts in reaction. This doesnt have to be true, in fact their are many unseen things in nature. 

Overall, what you should remember from this lesson is that essentially anything explains anything and that infinity is vast but constrained to laws and not. All things are a discovery.

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