The difference between an initial, inversion, unification and aversion

These are useful concepts for searching the nothing and creating an idea or more specifically options in your opinion, world in topic or in general concept creation.

The first concept is quite simple, it is the initial idea or concept that you either choose from your list of options or that you thought of by random chance. For the sake of the example let us use the idea of a potato salad.

That is essentially it for the concept of an initial idea. Certain people often take to their first idea without looking at their options. There isn't anything wrong with this because some like their first conclusion, but one can also select from several.

Inversion is the idea that you can take or make an opposite to an idea, this is useful if you like the opposite of what you thought of , or didn't like the idea. You may like the opposite idea, however, its important to note that inversion is a debatable concept. Since some may argue their to be no opposite to potato salad, or in this case that their are several or just one.

So what could be the opposite of potato salad, in this case we shall go with the almighty waffle and syrup. Because one is a lunch or dinner and the other is a breakfast or lunch food product. You may have liked the second more than the first, or the first more then the later.

While you can continue to invert your topic, one can also unify it, this is useful if you liked two things from your options or didn't know what else to think. While we shall see, a unification becomes more complex and their are several kinds of unification. It is not however always the answer, put simply it is another idea between the two or more you already had.

So then we have several possible unification of waffle and potato salad, since you can have potato salad on your waffle or waffles in your salad. As you can see, this is two simple unified concepts , but you probably don't find them good.

Now that you have several options to select from , you have already avered your ideas. This allows you simply choose from a number of avered options that allow for different experiences. While you can take them all, its useful to simply select parts from an avered list and manipulate them in avered feilds of different things. For example this entire post and every post on my blog is an avered concept made of several parts , which can in turn be taken and modified to form new parts.

Avers are essentially lists of parts that contain options and ideas , or things themselves. They can be used for many things and a field of avers is useful for people to have different things. Since one could offer different parts to select from. This is also how one forms larger concepts and ideas for essays and books, by avering several ideas together.

And so an initial is any idea, an inversion is its opposite, a unification is a blend of several concepts and an aver is a collection of ideas or things.

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