Fluffyism, a random religion in infinity.

Their was in the beginning a wolf but it was not god, instead it was lonely and it desired to have something to do, so it walked along the darkness that was its home,  for their was only nothing and the wolf. This wolf was named fluffy, fluffy was because fluffy was, their is no reason for fluffy, he simply is in the nothing. One day fluffy fell asleep and had a dream he was in a world, so their was life for a time and this time would be infinite. For fluffy was dead. This was the creation of the world.

Now fluffy was sad because he was dead and could not take part in his dream the way the people could.For he was invisible, now fluffy decided he would go see god, but the tale of his journey was complicated and full of morals and will one day be revealed. For now you must only know the conversation with God that fluffy had.

"God?"Said fluffy.

"Yes fluffy." Said God.

" I wish to be with the people but i am invisible and dead."

"Fluffy, you are fluffy and so you will help the people from afar. And they will reward you for your actions."

" But I want to be given pats on the head."

"You will be given pats on the head by your true companions."

" And all those who follow your ways shall be given the gift of living with you in fluffy land!"

Fluffy was content with this, he would be forever grateful for finding God and being entitled to his friends that would come.

So fluffy waited each day by people and people would leave out bones for fluffy. Yet in time people grew bored of fluffy, they abandoned him so fluffy left, this is why you feel cold sometimes , because fluffy left.

Fluffy will come back if you apologize to him and he will return the favor with a gift. He does this whenever someone leave out a bone for him too.

Fluffy demands you be strong and proud, that you pet him sometimes as thanks for creation and that you eat meat once and a while. He has a preference for rabbit.

Fluffy brings great rewards to those who wear wolf shirts.

Fluffy demands three things from you, that every Thursday you give praise to Fluffy, that once a year you celebrate fluffy's day of death(Any day, just once year) and finally that you are nice to people thinking constructively about your own morals, for fluffy is a wolf.

If you die fluffy will, if you wish, take you to fluffy land where you will be given plenty to eat  (Mostly meat ) and a place to sleep until the day fluffy eats you, then you will be one with fluffy forever and be able to do what fluffy does. Its okay if you don't go with fluffy in death, but fluffy will be lonely. But only those true to fluffy will come for fluffy, most will never see the great kindness fluffy offers.

Fear not for throughout the multiverse, fluffy has many followers, who come for him in death, so its okay not to except fluffy into your life.

Fluffy believes that the world is this way, and you should too, he believes life is like this:

All people who are with fluffy in fluffy land are a part of fluffy, when fluffy has gathered all his people to the end of time, he will come back alive again in the nothing and begin the story again.

Everything looks and is a part of fluffy, for it is fluffy that is the universe. Trees are fluffy's hair, grass is fluffy's hair, houses are fluffy's bones, clouds are fluffy's long mane, the sun and moon are his eyes and the stars his teeth, all is fluffy.

Their are no physics to fluffy, fluffy denies physics stating:

"I am Fluffy."

Praise Fluffy!

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