
Aver is the somewhat complex concept beyond Ita, Morius and Ypoc. It represents parts that coexist in separation and function as separate things with different behaviors. To aver something is to have it separate from the things similar or different then another

Simply put, it does not represent any specific ideal, but defends each one for the sake of it existing apart from the others. It is as a compound but not a mix of the other three beings I firstly introduced. Since it states that Ita wants her thing, Morius his and Ypoc its thing and so by giving each their desired thing in an area, it hopes to keep them happy.

Averation expects that while a portion is a certain way, another portion is different and that it stays that way until people abandon it. In this way, it offers a possibility of having several kinds of people happy with what they wanted and an opportunity to figure out what they wanted.

While not necessarily taking to the idea that its the right one, it offers the ability to have what you think is right without fear of the other replacing you and what you like. Concerning itself with the people that exist and giving them what they want precisely as they want.

However, it has certain suggestions based on experience. Since certain concepts require infrastructure to function happily. Therefore it suggests one does not replace anything already there within the reaches of the peoples desires.

It also suggests leaving the opposite things at a distance, with any specific portions that interact being unified or not based on the part itself. The entire point of this is to have separate locations where people can live or have what they wanted without fear of it being different within that area.

It allows further for the possibility of any thing, in a part. Yet suggests it be done through a means that functions according to the people there. One should not convince people to come to one part , except in the part where the convincing is done. The parts themselves would be mixed and accustom to the people who wanted them.

This includes the absence or addition of parts in an area, so that a thing exists the way the people there desired and allows for it to be their way. If a person fears spiders, their would be places without spiders or at least less spiders.

However, I am still experimenting with this concept. It is a means however to produce parts that function separately.

Further, averation has another use in its own self, in which a part is placed next to and does not replace the other part and further is used to make compound ideas with things like unified ideas, separate ideas and inversions

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Maybe we just look for a better way and version of what we want, rather than bloodshed for the lowest way and version of what we got. Howe...