Other dimensional travel and practice phental nodes.

An interesting view to have, although difficult to see in excess is that their are areas in this world that are liminal and actively other dimensions fitted into this one. They naturally form based on the placement of the objects within them.

They appear similar to reality , however their is something odd and alien about them, for example one I've encountered appeared greatly like an area where witches hung out. However it only appeared as such indirectly in that the forest I was in simply appeared odd, their were bent trees and middle crosses everywhere. It included a witch cauldron and a skull, as well as a strange circle thing I still don't understand and an excess of strange phenomena involving plants.

Its interesting to cross reference the physics of this world, with the world behind the wall of the area to further understand it. Through this you yourself can interact with the objects there indirectly for their various purposes. For example you could use the cauldron for what it was supposed to be used for. Allowing you to understand how this worlds physics effects your worlds physics indirectly.

One can also further understand the world of the other side by understanding the plors of this world and the other. So for example the cauldron was made of metal, but it looked like clay as was the skull of metal, but looked like bone. Through this we can know what is what in the other world on the other side.

I'll be honest, that entire forest was full of strange phenomena and I'm not sure how common these portals are, since these are naturally formed. This doesn't mean a artificially formed universe is any different, it is simply interesting to note the natural formation of these connected spaces. Since even though the cauldron was logically put there by someone the whole interaction of the parts created by that action is quite beautiful. Its an example of how magic and angles work, in that what appears as such from one perspective is not the same as what can happen in infinite. Or perhaps its even more mysterious and that explanation is wrong. Maybe it really was a witches cauldron from this world.

I tried going back to that location later and could not find it, this is an example of the orbit of these worlds, which are hidden behind curves and so sometimes aren't accessible. Another example of this would simply be a flood which blocks a root into a zone like this, or the general motions of nature changing and cutting a places accessibility. Things curve around each other at many angles and cannot be seen at every angle and it is precisely because of these angles that things are hidden from view.

Another example of the concept of other worlds and their angles, as well as the concept of magic or coincidental effect is the time I went to the moon. What essentially happened was that I went for a walk expecting to go to another universe, entered the same forest as the one where the witch cauldron was and experienced several strange events including:

A shadow figure following me that said it was a vampire
A tree with a crooked face
The sky was pink and black
the rain that had started before entering, began to taste like soap
a strange metal thing sat in the woods
strange lights behind the trees
the thought I was on the moon

Now , their is a logical explanation for each event, but that's not the point, the point is that I disregarded each one for the sake of the moment. This is because they are real events, not false illusion by the fact that the universe I was within wasn't established by the atom or the things of science , but by their own systems of function.

Thanks to the concept of hyperposition, I constructed the interface for accessing another world which exists within this one but isn't interacting with this one the same way. However, the other world , the one of reason is just as true as the one that is not of reason. Further, its important to remember where you came from so as to not get lost. To know the world of reason, with the world you went to is wise.

These events are difficult to replicate and achieve by living in your average world where you remain on a daily basis , because your used to the events. It is possible however to do this too. By simply re orchestrating the parts through physics alteration. One must simply look for the other in the old.

Now a good way to practice seeing these other dimensions so that when if you decide to have an other worldly experience actually functions is to use what I call phental nodes. Which are essentially a tool for seeing something else inside an object that exists. Most scientists will call this ability pareidolia (The ability for a human to see an image in another thing, like clouds ). However, in my view pariedolia is due to angular views and while still being the object, is from a slightly different angle something else, the curvature changes with the view.

As an example , we will use an open book, their are four aspects to a node the first is already mentioned. The ways these work is simply do to relative perspective of an object, from one dimension it looks like something and in another it looks like something else.

Before I explain further I would to bring up that while some of these angles are harmful to the denizen living there that its actually not as bad as you think, because the angle like any has a hole, a permanent hole is nothing more than a choice since the permanence of something is based on its continued existence in an area.

It does not exist outside the area and the object can move between areas. While it appears to not move here since the angle is illusionary but true, but what about the non moving area you ask? In such a case theirs still a hole and you are attempting to cut away the whole world they live in. the open book moves around since it exists in space and the one that does not move is saved by the infinite regress of beings that can help it.

What of the world that can't be saved you ask? A world like that can only exist with permission because the rule is hole wall, hole , wall. for every unsolvable world , their is a world that can reverse that. This is precisely why our world is not completely atrocious, since if it was it wouldn't be unless permitted through another angle. Meaning someone already helped the the suffering book because it had the power to, but you can too through asking it what it needs, thanks to offering it choices through motion. The books will, is in an angle somewhere, meaning you can know what it wants or needs or it is in one to begin with.

However the best way to explain this is that if something was totally separate it would not exist because it is completely apart. If it was wholly connected, it would be completely separate and so totally apart and if it was both it would separate and wholly connected but that is still totally apart.

However if you aver the three of those, it becomes a wholly separate thing, that is connected and both but not apart  because it is apart and not, while being separately both thereby creating an infinite regress of connection not connected.

Rendering 0 , causing infinite and allowing for any solution to a problem unless the problem is willed by the separate part and permitted herein. Meaning, if you wanted the eternal permanence of suffering, you'd need to believe you can't leave or it naturally breaks down because god and nature is evil in both directions. Obviously, if you do not believe that you can leave then you are stuck but if you believe theirs a way out then you can because you tried.

Anyways, that was just preparation for the idea that a book looks and can be a butterfly, the second portion of a node. Since from our angle it appears not to be moving only relative to our perspective, if you talk to einstein though, he'll say it's moving and so it does move and you do not. Meaning you are as a rock from another angle.

The other two portions are color , which helps understand meaning relations in this first model allowing to come to understand what the creature can do for you in your world and perhaps is like depending on which world you want to observe. The other thing you can do is add physics to learn more about the world, however pareidolia is the means by which you can practice entering other universes.

So in conclusion, universes can be accessed through unfolding dimensional angles and seeing other objects in the objects around you. You can practice with the four tools of a node , which are actual, appearance, physics and color. These nodes allow you to create other universes in a simple way, as tables can be turtles but their are many more shapes that lay about.

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