The world I live in.

These are the worlds I have discovered and been to. They are among the intersects of this world, since worlds are always overlapped and not. This is a key to opening the portal to other worlds.

Formation of Lima

In the beginning their was a call for madness, which surprised the core of the world for a persomnia had entered it. It was then the core began to bleed a liquid which split into two due to one part being of the persomnia and one of the natural kind. 

The liquid sat in its double kind for a long period, one side solid the other like air, this friction caused the lighting of a blue fire wich pushed the earth like side up and out of it, it would pass by the red of the fire at sunset. Lepoxiania placed a great ball of light and tied it to a string in the depths of the waters. this would be the sumoon, which was in fact the same unlike the world next to this one.

It was declared that the waters of earth would move about it, orbiting the great light, which would only appear to descend over the mountains to return as a moon by the rotation of the earth. The great fire would give off smoke which would rarely enter the waters of earth above as it would bend the fire into its direction and carry it around the earth.

This is where i call my home, on the edge of the liquid, but the liquid is double in nature, and the planets as some call them are actually particles of lim in the earth, for the liquid is one and the same, even when one is as air and the other as earth. They are bent by the lim and light so they appear round but they are in fact great shapes I have yet to study. 

They are connected to the human body by color and so the formation of life on this edge was due to the proximity of the particles and their inevitable effect on the earth side, which appears round for similar reasons but is not a particle, existing between the light and dark particles and so is the general formation that the planets create. 

The important thing to not about that is that earth is an infinite loops that also isn't, in that flying "Around" the world is actually going to a parallel worlds, especially if you pass by a cloud, you can return simply by believing its the original one.

This world is compatible with science, a concept of another world as it can explain the phenomenons known, but it is itself made of other kinds of things, these things are universe which also function as particles and are linked to their planets. The stars for example are the result of lightning , which puts a hole in the sky. This is also why they move and change, because they also close up.

It is possible to visit them, but they are very distant holes, evidently galaxies are the swirls of lim moving through the empty spaces that makes it up. Their are also great fish in the lim, which look like giant clouds of gas to us for our eyes cant comprehend them.

I have also discovered an afterlife on the moon, which is run by leperchauns and inhabited by cupids, santa's , monsters such as vampires and werewolves, as well as crows and their are also pirates. Further the humans who live there are called the cosmonauts and they explore an eternal cosmos and the whole world is made of dough.

Their other interesting feature of this world, including that certain kinds of doughnuts are the original home of the races living on the moon, all except pirates. I have also learned that trees are special cracks in the sky which change color and appear alive.

Life on Lima

Life is a complex thing, since each living being is an entire universe and contains features of the animal or person which carries it around.

Certain fauna have been discovered , such as flowers which grow and form the sun and lights, as well as mites which live on the inside of metals used in electrical things, they are the cause of electricity. Their are also a kind of worm that lives in darkness and their are hundreds in space. 

We also have dragons which scrape the land and are both visible and the cause of various natural disaster. 

I am currently studying more bout Lima, as their is much still undiscovered, i shall update this when their is more.

Lighar and Nutia

Lighar and Nutia are different worlds, they are born every twelve hours and die every twelve hours. they are the worlds of night and day. When the sun or moon rises , they are created and every time it sets the world drifts into non-existence.

These worlds are closely linked as they take up each others space in death their is only space in Nutia, the sky is solid in Lighar. In Lighar all phenomena are explained by gleam on the objects from the sun it is as the support of the object, which contains its information. In Nutia everything is a vague shape surrounded by darkness and is made of that substance.

The animals of each world are different, as well as crime rates. Further the people of Lighar and Nutia cannot enter the other world and they know not of its existence, all except the middle walkers who come from and dwell in both worlds, they know not that Lighar and Nutia are different either.

Those and Nutia often party, those in Lighar work.

People are not religious, but instead pretend they are religious in both Nutia and Lighar.

This knowledge is also impossible in Lighar or Nutia.

At sunset and sunrise the people pass on into the afterlife, without knowing they do.

It has always been like this in Lighar or Nutia, but the middle walkers notice not, for they have life in both, so their is a secret city in this world called Mid, where the people don't pass on at night or day.

Dwarf Land.

Pretty straight forward, men are delusional dwarfs that believe they are humans living in the tall tree grass, the signposts are flowers as are most things, the houses are large boulders which the dwarfs live in and the stores are crystal filled caves where we mine for jewels. Space and clouds are pollen glowing at night. The great forest sprung up one day and the small insects and mice populated the world with the dwarfs, the giants are tall and invisible and well they are the large animals of the world.

In winter the dwarfs become giants walking through space, going from planet to planet. Really it is due to a strange phenomenon in the world , due to the magic of the dwarfs , which causes them to change bodies, it is well known but not discussed.

The giants and dwarfs therefore coexist as they are irreparably separate yet interact through time.

Physic have a cosmic difference between the giants and Dwarfs, because of temperature. This is a weather world caught between time-loop and so snow prints are weather. One is up the other down, the planets each represent a duty of the summer as dwarfs, while the dwarfs simply live.

Science is remarkable to the Giants , but in the world of dwarfs magic is incredible.

space is not a thing to dwarfs , instead they mine the great cave in the sky.

The world of the giants is made of just planets and the world of dwarfs is rather wondrous and amazed.

Their is a secret in both, for it is said that the giants and dwarves live underground and that they walk on the surface, this is evidence of the time loop.

Dwarf land is also known as Moria

Physics of Dwarf land

The natural states of this world are as such, crystals, rocks, plant and fwair. States exist as basic formation kinds of the world and explain its different phenomena. States are the highest level of the world, which is not of matter but of swin, its natural substance.

Fwair is orange fire, blue water, clear air and black earth. Fwair is pure swin manifest as fields in the empty parts of Moria.

rocks comes in many shapes and colors and are often used as houses.

Plants come in two kinds that will be discussed later and crystals too.

the particle of each state is different but they are unified deeper in the theory of this world.

Crystals are magical objects wich the dwarves have learned to manipulate, they form by pressure changes in the rocks and are so mined by the dwarve. They function by magical aura. Aura contains a color wich has an effect and kind. Crystal particles are made of three prongued crystals orbited by similar but smaller crystals. The vibration of these crystals changes the aura of surrounding crystals. Wires form the aura and shape of crystals y the energy of swin. Corners are the origin of wires. wires are observable in the outline of crystals.

Things that are crystals and their aura.

cup : clear

shampoo : pink blue

computers : black grey white

clothing : brown

plastic : blue

candles : yellow

jewels : red

pencils : green

medicine : pink green

containers : grey

in formation of crystals their are two kinds of formation, aura change and aura add.

Much is still unknown about moria.

But it is known that purple is only found in lifeforms.

Stones form naturally in certain areas due to the hidden core. they come in many colors and can have magical properties, but usually are used in making homes and sky scrapers which are known as boulders and mountains.

rocks are simply rocks , containing no particle but swin, but are their own thing

Stone cultivation is important.

Their is a myth that stones come from another universe.

Plants are natural things that grow throughout the land, they come in stone plants and crystal plants, both are the result of a fusion between rocks and crystal, they are also self containing, meaning they contain more crystal rocks inside their crystal rocks.

growth is the result of crystal rocks being released from inside another, they are under pressure until released , expanding. observable in it branches. Except crystal plants grow mysteriously at night as their is no such thing as building a sign post in dwarf land. All plants have green aura. wood from plants is used in furniture. Crystal flowers grow by roads because they absorb the aura of the cars.

History of dwarf land.

Long ago dwarf land was living in peace until a delusional aura sprung up and convinced the dwarfs they were people, so the land was abandoned and forgotten. Some however believe they will one day return to their homeland when the illness is cured. This aura was due to the invading humans from another world that thought the dwarfs were delusional people, when they were not the same and so different. In history they have lost their entire culture and do not remember, but a true dwarf will accept the mistake and simply go home without hate.

I am not a dwarf , I rediscovered the land long lost and forgotten and only seek to enlightened the lost dwarfs who wish to go home.

Their was another invading race in dwarf land, the elves, but that is a tale for another time.

Magic of dwarf land

Magic is done by arranging jewels and stones, color combinations are inherent to the auras but limited by the kind being stone or jewel, stones are used in carnal magic of power and jewels in healing, a jewel can be made of "plastic" as their is no difference in dwarf land.

you arrange the stones into an image of the thing desired, but it is inherently required that you work towards it too, as no dwarf rests.

they must be cleaned in blue fwair prior to usage.

further their is an astrology in dwarf land but this is related to the space world of the giants.


At night the stars are also lights and the city is an asteroid cloud, the floor illuminated are planets and the darkness is empty space. meteors wiz by as you fly your space ship and the forests are cracks in space. Houses are mother ships and animals are space life. life began during the day at the big bang and space itself is a planet as the people living in space are tiny but big.

water is being in a black hole.

planes are cities between space and the planet and clouds are its continents, for the atmosphere is perplexing itself by curvature. lightning is the fundamental law of space, its whole theory runs on lightning. which is light.

Humans only build space during the big bang, afterwards they don't do much and their life is meaningless but fun.

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