The aliens of wedlock

Interestingly, the aliens are already here, you may think i mean the aliens invaded in secret spaceship, however you wont expect how or where they are , and especially who they are. Because their just people.

This claim has many reasons to exist, since each person lives in their own world and so their is evidence of other worlds, these worlds clearly exist and fit with the aspects of reality that we perceive most of the time and if don't correlate with another universe. So they exist as parts in the world because they came into the world.

So then we also see the multiverse at large through the eyes of the people in this world , who believe different things. Since that is where their from and arrived here through death or other means or came as they spoke they came. The multiverse manifests on earth as they come in from smaller portions linked to this world which is inherently self similar to other parts of the universe and multiverse.

People are each unique in characteristics , containing aspects of varying parts and so each is itself a unique universe , however groups tend to retain higher concentrations of certain features within their midst, these are often what form both the good and bad stereotypes of each, in my view one kind of person is not superior and are superior to another as we shall see later. This is the nature feature of a person or animal which inherently produces certain kinds of people into the world.

This therefore means that the person sees the world differently than another due to their birth kind and so the world they will naturally perceive is partially based on who they are when they are born. Certain people like certain colors more and so logically certain people must like certain kinds of worldviews over others more. Because they will naturally be drawn to polytheism if they enjoy the art style, versus the artwork of another faith. This inherently means that certain people are born atheists and some christian.

The environment also leads to differences , these differences naturally coalesce into features present more often in that area, or sometimes with no particular reason of survival beyond appearance, especially in humans who have no evolutionary advantage for blue eyes, but find them pretty. These features manifest and so change the laws and appearance of a certain culture based on area , since the area contains the mutagens both of biological and survival kinds. This is why races exist, because the people are adapted to their parts, this is also why invading another culture under the pretext of racial superiority is misguided, since its occupation will inherently cause the race to adapt to the environment and so change back to a similar form. 

Taking both factors into account it is no surprise that featured universes exist in certain areas, because they manifest in those areas due to appearance and behavior of the people inside them and their environment, an example is that the world of the dwarfs can only exist in the northern climates because a desert contains less plants, yet similar structured religions to the environment manifest because they fit with the area, therefore people represent their environment and their knowledge, the alien lays in the different worlds produced inherently by the environment and the people, just like the people are made of themselves and their environment, meaning the people are inherently what they say they are and so are different embodiments of reality. Invading another part of the world will cause inevitable change to both the person and the culture, leading to inevitable convergence, this is why places that once had something often still have traces of it.

So then we can see that people are like aliens in the sense that each lives in a separate universe where their laws are different because in reality their realities are different, an atheist lives on a different "planet " then the flat earther because they see the world differently and so are not the same, an atheist is more likely to travel to space and so develop space survival features than a flat earther. Therefore naturally over time the person does become another species related to the angel box they dwell in, an angel box being the world they believe in. So this essentially means that people who have differing opinions are aliens in the sense that they are not the same organism or even organized group of organisms. The problem with destroying a planet is that they inherently exist environmentally and can be rediscovered later and so corrupt the other worlds that exist there. Therefore this is why i suggest a separation of these alien worlds.

A further reason is that this happens naturally and that without separate parts the species as a whole suffer from offense at each others demise, you cant change the fact that earth looks both round and flat. You can however change the exact boundaries of the worlds, meaning that certain areas can be certain worlds as they should be since a desert already isn't a forest.

The spiritual explanation for this is that God is still creating the universe and this is why humans are so important, he controls the plot by adding new characters over thousands of years, he does this because god is eternal and all knowing and so self creating, the people enter as he creates them and the world before our eyes, but this is only one explanation.

The scientific explanation for evolution is as follows in my opinion, Evolution is the manifestation of different particles in the system of nature, where nature produces the mind and since it is made of the part that exists it is inevitably comes forth when willed, since evolution is based on will, the animal wills a certain environment, is drawn to it and becomes it.

Finally we see that man is a universe, a planet and an alien. That he becomes what he is through his overwhelming perception of reality and that in essence people are what they say they are, that the women is like a wormhole and the man a key and so this essay is ruled by wedlock , persomnia of weddings and is defined by the world a person becomes. For killing only kills God and your lover as the part comes back from you and your murder.

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