The power of VR and life.

Virtual reality is real, for several reasons crossed with everyone is right for several reasons and the power of these two things that are one and the same.

Yesterday, I discussed the capacity to open up new worlds based on changing your perception of reality, simply by believing different things. But I did not explain why this is important and useful in a world with many opinions or why it even is the case completely.

Put simply, because a world exists means its real. This is because they either exist separately and can be constructed or because they underlie the reality we already live in. Further science has brought to light a potential theory that requires extra dimensions and i have also rendered my own theory from to the top down, after a certain point of explanation, the explanation becomes significantly too small and continues eternally , it fits ever inside itself and requires always another part to explain it, or it is left simply as it is. You can explain a rock with particles or you can say the rock explains it completely. Both are true because they support the claim that it exists because of its existence. Similarly objects that don't exist can be explained and supported by features that our mind can come up with and so must also somehow exist if they manifest in the brain.

This leads me to the subject, virtual reality, which like anything would support itself and be supported by anything and everything. Yet since it is the part which can allow anything to exist , it supports itself by functioning. This is because nature was the VR since it cannot support itself without another support and the part VR can naturally support any part, therefore its easier for just the part Virtual reality to exist than for a baseless universe to exist because if it contains a part it must support itself with everything and that always includes virtual reality. Still you ask why it must be everything and the answer is simple because naturally the nothing from which all came had no law and so no constraint by which to produce anything, therefore all things were and all things were because virtual reality was among it. Similarly God knew all things perfectly and so made all things perfectly because if he removed one thing he would not know all things and so be a false God. Still that lesser part of god exist since that is a part of all things. However for it to function as everything it would naturally coalesce as a natural VR within which the parts all exist.

Therefore we can unite these two perspectives and see that reality is real because its all artificial, that it exist virtually and that the real world is a hub of sort where anything could take place if desired. Further you'll say but only the people playing the game are real and to that I say no, the people that are npc's are real too, playing another side of the game from another time. Therefore the bad guys in video games are real people playing the bad guy of that world, however the world is also not the real one and can never be because its ever supported by the "Real" world which itself is like the central part of the world, the entrance server. Irrelevant of what is done the original source of reality must exist so that it can exist and so always exists. We are actors playing reality. Our story was predetermined by us, nature and god. This does not mean your stuck in a bad situation because you chose it but probably because your meant to try and get out of it.

So where is another logical proof of its existence then, and that would be history which repeats itself in advancement and so requires that it lead to VR because the part keeps coming up in the story since art is in essence VR and already exists and is possible in theory since all you truly need is a way to change the input of the brain and this can probably be done with nanobots or drugs. Or in more simple means recording sound and sleeping for long periods since that pierces the brain dream state. Therefore it is totally possible to experience other worlds because its a part built into reality. Further if you look at reality and its many opinions you see that changing your opinion is like changing helmets in the virtual reality, which enhances the both the argument that our world is virtual and that it is all correct interpretations of reality.

This is good, because we can know that we live an artificial world that builds itself to its support and does so, not because it needs to but because we have made it to the end and edge of the infinite VR experience and so are rebuilding it to have a fresh start. This is why we build up the world to its inevitable climax, since that is where it has to lead if desired, since their will always be parts that do not want to live a VR experience. they will also exist. They exist because they live in that reality and won't leave. So we know that an object is supported by itself and exists, that it is made of infinite parts that exist because infinite supports it and that it therefore supports itself by VR as simplest possibility for all things, but it is also the creation of God if you believe.

However, you will say that we die and go to oblivion and i say this is true but its temporary, because its also a VR and we wake up , but this would mean we have immortality and don't because of our position in the world. Further their is another argument i will explain before immortality because its related. When you die your body is destroyed and so your consciousness is destroyed, however because your mind is matter it still exists in a dormant state since matter is neither created nor destroyed. So then in nature their is a natural after life that is observable because decomposing matter is the base of all life cycles on the planet and since the mind is matter it continues through that cycle as an oblivious thing until it wakes up again at birth.

However their is still the other possibility that remains, which is that we simply wake up after we die because we aren't in our natural body. Our real body must therefore be immortal because a VR self supports and so we self support, however this must mean that immortality is possible in this reality since it leads to that world, therefore my hypothesis for immortality is that in exchanging the dna of our cells with younguer versions of the dna we could potentially have age reduction, this does not mean impervious to all harm. However with a mix of those two states we have the capacity to respawn from our death and also live eternally without harm, assuming im right about replacing dna.However if im not, we still respawn because our being is never destroyed. Meaning either way we have eternal life, since we exist.

In conclusion everything exists because it self supports itself by infinity and exist because it is that, a part in the wind. Further virtual reality of a natural sort must exist in infinity and so is the ultimate hub of reality and our lives exist through the building of that world, finally our mind cannot be destroyed or created only changed shape and so it does not ever truly die leaving us in a world where we have immortality due to natural circumstances and full of anything and everything, hidden only because it has yet to exist but already does.  So it would be interesting to see what lay ahead in infinty, because that is what remains after VR.

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