Concept creation and its dangers and a random concept

What follows is another way to create a concept from simple things, which will be used in this and then studied. However first I will discuss the topic of concept creations dangers and tips on how to do it.

Firstly the main danger with concept creation is two fold , since you do  not know what is out there in the infinity. Their can be both strange and scary ideas that come about from this and so for this I encourage the idea that their is always a hole in the wall. Meaning an eternal solution beyond it, through both its solution and a part for the problem in separation. In this way, one solves their problems.

Further is that in excess , the creation of concepts becomes difficult to remember them all. I did this for a year and while I remember the general things, I don't remember all the details unless reminded through question. This is why it's important to take notes, for two reasons, the first being this and the second, this entire blog is generated randomly from my notes and so notes themselves become a generator of concepts.

When generating a concept , it is important to read between the lines of the associators. Since it is that that creates the limitations and orientations to allow you to find something new. While it is obviously possible to do this without a generator, generators make ideas in an interesting way allowing for wholly detached concepts at times and at others new editions of old ideas.

The limit however is based on what you put down into the generator, and so in exploring mixes of these things one finds more, but doesn't know what they'll find. Unless one knows what their looking for and focuses on the parts they want to find, but this still take s time. Its important as well to limit the amount of associators to less then more , because brains don't work well wit large variable fields( you can imagine the number 7 but not 98 without more effort).

The following generator will use the planets of the solar system and words ascribed separately. While you could take to astrology to make a generator , that is one complex generator. The concept is also generated after I make mention of it meaning that as i write this , i don't know what it will be.

the ascribed meaning of the planets can be taken from
. Its interesting to note that you can make your own meanings and I will be using my own system.

the words I will use are violet , book and tree and the four planets I will use are the moon, pluto, the sun and jupiter. Their ascribed meanings are respectfully duty, clarity, power, world. The key I used will be at the bottom, but I suggest making your own, since its personalized to my liking.

so we have the following associators :

violet , book, tree, duty, clarity, power, world

This creates the sentence: Duty of the tree whose power and clarity of the world is a violet book.


This is a book in which you record your duties, clarity and power over the world. You do this until your done, then you offer it to a special tree which holds several peoples recorded duties, clarity and power. This tree is closely guarded as it collects several books then after a long time the books become available to others, who want to learn of you and others, likely after they have all passed.

Now if we ponder on this longer , we see that those three things in the book should be defined somehow and that their is a problem with storing books on trees (rain).

the duties are the things you've done in life that you feel like sharing.

the clarity is the is what you clearly see in nature and reality, your opinions.

your power is what you are and were capable of throughout your life, the special things you did.

the solution to the rain problem can be solved two ways, either through bags to hold the books or one can create an artificial tree with a cover that looks like leaves.

Further one could extend this concept away from three topics to any topic allowing for more things to be noted by the person who is recorded in the book. Thus this is an additional part that can be added.

As you can see, this concept is newish and unseen, brought about by the concepts within this post. Using any generator, one can create new concepts for many things, including literature, art, philosophy, spirituality and reality.

the planet meanings I used are as follows :

Sun = power
Mercury = community
Venus = games
Moon = duty
Mars = tragedy
Jupiter = world
Saturn = between
Uranus = interest
Neptune = unity
Pluto = clarity

Try making your own

I will perhaps make an astrology style generator at some point.

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