Passive universes and masions

While I do discuss active and built universes in other parts of this blog, this will be discussing passive universes aka universes already accessible with nothing but mind. It will include several topics both old and new to help create and explore these passive universes and their effects.

Codes are the concept that various objects in life as we perceive it can look like other things, just as much as they look like the "real" thing. For example a house can often appear like a giant boulder and trees can be like grass. The essential idea is that certain qualia (appearances of objects) look like other things and that through theses codes can one find the many hidden universes.

These universes are real based on the fact that they exist in mind by the features of mental structure, which is material and malleable (albeit inversely to physical) and while the physical universe exists behind the perception, it does not matter. Since the universe is made of its own substance coexisting with the matter of physicality. While you can argue these universes material , they are material in another plane ( meaning, they are material in the substance of their kind ) and so can be manipulated just as much as any other. The difference between them, is that they are made of different substances, dependent on what they are.

In manipulating certain codes or parts to create a universe, one must simply assign their difference from the earth in groups ( assignment being truly the means to distinguish one universe from another ) Meaning one can take the tree make it grass and have the sky be full of cotton clouds, but one must know it is there. They can be manipulated in several ways to create several universes. One must simply discover the parts necessary.

One can also change the substance of something, to create new wholephases and elements, for example a leaf from a tree can be made of plastic, this enables greater detail to the universe. Further one can turn the sky into water and make metal an air. These things combined makes for a new universe, with cotton clouds in the ocean, plastic trees and sky metal. You can then give your universe a name and fit the remainder with the things you know from earth or continue. 

Its useful to take advantage of the objects in a worlds orbit or corebit, which is that , a world orbit. For example , the sunset only comes at certain times and so the fire in the ocean is more rare. This will be more useful later on as it helps with the physics of a specific universe. However for now, its important to note that certain universes behave by entry and leaving, so starry snow does not always exist. 

Its also useful to note that certain substances can be ascribed the concept of nothing, to create holes in your world. Although the ability to walk on nothing seems strange, its possible in infinity.

So we have a universe which is comprised of cotton clouds in an ocean, air metal, plastic trees and at certain times the sky erupts with fire. This is an interesting concept ,  but it becomes more interesting when we make the addition of physics and magic to the world, since both can be added.

Therefore let us explain physically one of the elements of the world and its interaction with another, although one should make the entire thing if they want. The only reason I'm doing that is to avoid a lengthy post.

the cotton clouds are comprised of tiny of tiny particular fluffs, which simply float on the oceans hanging from above, which defies gravity because the ocean is itself more like a sticky goo stuck to the upper dome of the world. The two chemicals do not react together beyond the cotton causing an absorption of the liquid goo which sometimes drips onto the ground below. The fluffs themselves are formed from their natural growth as they multiply and decay over time. The goo is made of small gel crystals that stick together, which in turn are composed of more goo. 

at certain times, the cotton erupts in flames because of its approach to the alien spaceship, which flies in the sky and is quite hot. It is not destroyed in this process because this is not how the cotton burns, instead it is simply coated in a flame which lingers for a time. At night the alien spaceship lands on the earth. 

As you can see , with a little creativity and knowledge of your world, you can study it with great detail. One could delve further , but the magic is now my interest to save on time, I will create a more detailed explanation of other universes eventually.

This magic system uses metal air and plastic leafs, one requires a small peice of metal air and one should have several plastic leafs arranged on the floor, taking note that each plastic leaf represents a desire that you would like. Now one must turn around and toss the metal air onto the plastic leafs, the one it lands on is the desire that will manifest in a strange way, as per magic rules. If the metal air lands outside the range of a plastic leaf, one must wait till the next day to try again.

This functions because of the metal air being linked to the air, which causes the bringing about of your desire.The leafs are a focus point for your desire , through your will. 

However , their is one more thing you can do with this universe , although in this case I call it a masion since a universe contains the same laws of behavior as earth, a masion contains different laws of behavior that can be added. However, these additional effects are unsurprisingly passive. 

For example in the example universe, just after the fires burn in the sky, their is a higher chance of finding crystallized gel from the sky, which has fallen to the earth. This however, functions as an independent addition and can be removed. 

The reason it falls is because heat solidifies the goo at times and it becomes heavy and falls, but will dissipate eventually. Luckily it does not dissipate if it comes in contact with human skin and is a lucky charm.

In conclusion, the universe you see can be manipulated and changed through belief, which leads to other universes preexisting in the fabric of the first known universe you're familiar with, physics can both be learned and added and magic can function differently or be specific to that universe.

Its important to note that these universes are and aren't real dependent entirely on which universe you currently live in. By the nature of 0 and its capacity to e anything.

It's also important to note that this universe is only a prototype and so could have more added to it for significantly more detail.

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