Luck, Sam, Mazer and Pharath were chilling in the world,
their room in fact. They had just finished studying their text they’d written.
They had the urge to advance it somehow and they advanced the story by
discovering something rather terrifying. There was a demon among them, they
couldn’t see it with their eyes, but felt its presence in mind.
It looked like a shadow, with red eyes and antlers and
seemed quite happy to be lodged in their brain. They didn’t know what to do
about it at first, but after some thought and discussion they realized what it
was. It was an entire universe, in which they would have to enter somehow. As
it was draining their energy from its point in their mind.
However, before they actually entered it, they would have to
study it through this text, since its true form must be dealt with materially.
So this is simply the plan to cure the curse of exhaustion within the four
boys. Since they are psychologically worn, they must work on this over several
days, as it will take several days to prepare.
To enter this world, they will use a video game, which will
be designed according to the information gained in this text, through which
they will actively create it. They plan to make it a base of operation for
later universe entries. However there is much to prepare first. In that they
must discover two things, firstly they must have physical access outside
through physical modifications and with have sufficient knowledge of the world
within the game. Thankfully theirs four of them.
When the preparations are complete the story should go
something as follows:
Arriving in their spaceship, they will land on the universe.
Their spaceship contains an order system for ordering supplies from eclia
major, built by Sam, however it isn’t necessarily large and so only small
equipment can be gained, pieces must be crafted in an area.
Luckily this universe contains only four denizens, who each
have a unique opinion on the affair. Each should be dealt with according to
their needs. As the world will be destroyed in the process of riding the
drainage of our energy.
The death of the demon will be caused by the destruction,
then replacement of the core. This is because the four replacement cores will
divert the corebit to the desired direction of each desired denizen. The demon
while evil, simply wants to die, so that it can drag the denizens to a torturous
demise and transformation. This is preferable not to occur do to karma. The
event itself will cause the inception of a new universe in the place of the
last, however it will require several solutions and the demons death is
necessary, as he must be aided as well as the denizens. In a fashion that harms
none’s will.
The four rabbit birds desire different things, the red one
is a masochist and the one that caused the arrival of the universe in the fours
home, it desires the death of the universe at their hands, and it will be given
that. The blue rabbit bird does not want this, it will be given that. The crazy
rabbit bird wants to just go to the new world and the purple rabbit bird wants
to explore the universe. The four guys want this universe as a starting base
for their travels. Therefore logically the world must be destroyed and not at
once, further Mazer and Luck want to be present for the destruction and
experience it but return afterwards.
The means by which this will be achieved is rather complex,
but simple.
“Hey Sam! Stop writing instructions on how to do this and
come play the game!” Said Mazer.
“Heh, Okay.” Answered Sam.
So the four sat down at their computer and entered the game.
It was when they heard the music that they knew they’d be there a while. They
had made it and knew the plot, but still they had to play it for this to work.
They began on their spaceship, which descended from its
meta-space into the world below. This is when Mazer had a question, saying:
“Can I
replay this game after?”
just want it to go badly.” Said Pharath.
maybe.” Said Sam.
can, because each tangent exists.” Said Luck
don’t want him destroying a universe.” Said Pharath
come on!” Said Mazer.
true though that we don’t quite know how this works yet.” Said Luck.
They arrived on the world, having entered using advance
technology only today available in the video game. They got out of the spaceship, into a strange
wooden field.
way you get to destroy the world.” Said Sam.
but I have to save it first.” Said Mazer with a slight frown.
The field was full of strange spikes almost like antlers and
the sky was dark and glowing a slight red. Strange shadows lingered in places.
Mazer spoke and said:
this place looks creepy as fuck.”
it’s not that bad.” Said Luck
think it’s kinda pretty” Said Pharath.
They walked through it, looking for the four rabbit birds
and found them hopping about in the distance. Sam said:
shouldn’t tell them about what we’re going to do. Because one of them is going
to get mad.”
no. We should let them know.” Said Pharath.
we should get the supplies first.” Because that makes things easier.” Said Luck
So they went back to the spaceship, there they ordered on the
machine four new cores, a communication module, a way back and avered base,
turn back machine and soul tracker.
we going to do some of this in the real world?” Asked Mazer.
but we don’t need to, we have free reign over the dimension from that point.”
Said Luck.
tempt Mazer.” Said Pharath.
Mazer smiled devilishly.
“Can I
explain the purpose of those tools?” Asked Sam.
we use them, cause it’s kind of boring.” Said Luck.
However, the problem now was finding the core of the
universe, which they would have to destroy. They would have to ask the red
rabbit bird since that is what it wanted anyways. So off they went to talk to
Arriving at its location, Mazer spoke and said:
thanks for making me sleepy, but where is the core.”
The rabbit bird laughed and said:
are you guys lazy, building everything in advance then dealing with it by
asking me.”
over there in that cave.” Continued the rabbit bird.
you.” Said Pharath.
So they went to the cave, where they found the round core.
Sam spoke and said:
when we break this, we’ll have to fight the demon, then in a few minutes the
whole world will be destroyed.”
get going.” Said Luck.
So they broke the core and it shattered like glass,
releasing a flow of blood, out came the demon. It was a horrific sight.
Quickly, Mazer pounced on it and started punching it to death. The rest of the
boys just watched in slight shock and surprise. Afterwards, when it was
definitely dead, Mazer stood there smiling and covered in blood.
Then Sam quickly placed the replacement core in place,
allowing for a split corebit that the rabbit birds are hooked separately too.
Meaning that when the universe is destroyed it will not harm the other three
rabbits but will create the illusion they are, while the three go to their
separate worlds, the good rabbit creature will have a world identical to this
one, one will exit the universe to explore it and the last will live happily on
the other side of the world after its transformation, while the masochist bunny
is destroyed and transformed in the destruction.
Then they hooked up communications, so that the four rabbit
birds who are friends can still talk and a wayback so they can redo it if they
want. Finally, a base will be set up in a separate universe of identical
appearance, so the boys have a base to go to later, while not invading these
rabbits space.
we did it!” Said Pharath.
Mazer smiled excitedly and said:
“Now I
get to feel what it’s like.”
So the four boys went out of the cave and Sam and Pharath
went back to the spaceship which took off leaving Luck and Mazer to chill in
the world. Sam and Pharath located themselves at a viewpoint, to watch the
Then there was a flash and nothing changed, indicating that
the corebits had been altered. The red rabbit bird hopped excitedly. It began
to grow hotter.
Sam on the spaceship felt the urge to explain how the rabbit
birds are hidden.
It goes as follows, the rabbit birds are behind a wall and
an AI from the communications replaces their behaviors in this moment, so that
it the masochist and evil rabbit experiences pain and pleasure, while the
actual rabbit birds are already taken to their worlds, it is similar for them,
except instead of pain and pleasure they see nothing changed.
The sky grew redder, then with that it tore open. Mazer and
Luck felt a huge pain, their body being twisted and turned inside out, the
rabbit birds screamed, the red one laughed in glee. There was a popping sound
as the world grew darker, the pain was intense. Then the four rabbits, Mazer
and Luck had been made into tiny fluff ball creatures. The world had gone
brighter and the wood was now covered in a grass like fur, the sky blue and
However, from the perspective of Sam and Pharath, the rabbit
birds were fine, one hoping about like nothing happened, the other found a door
to explore the worlds and the last had been magically transported to an
alternate version of the newly created world.
Sam and Pharath descended back into the world, where they
found using the soul tracker both Luck and Mazer, Pharath saying:
freaking adorable.”
Then they were brought back to the ship placed in the turn
back machine, one at a time. They were both turned back into themselves. Both
laughing happily from what had just happened, the four rested. The world of a
demon had been made into a fat reindeer, a creature with the potent ability to
gallop across time space while jiggling and shaking its large body.
The four boys laughed at that sight, this was their first
adventure together and Pharath said:
then, I wonder what we’ll do next.”
Notice: Destroying worlds is not a good thing, except when made through infrastructure like Virtual reality or video games. The only reason for this is that in this age, its the only way to do it without harming anyone.
Now its important to note few differences between reality and a video game. In a video game you can do anything within the limits of the program, reality is more messy, but reality is mostly object oriented, with spatial orientation and distances and so in some ways its easier to deal with a problem in reality then a strict set of rules belonging to a video game.
However, its also easier to destroy something in the real world, this should not be attempted because it'll end badly. However, through video games and virtual reality one can safely destroy something, without two problematic consequences, firstly destroying the thing itself and your demise and so inability to do it again, by the consequence of your actions. In a virtual space, things do not effect reality.
However, one can believe it does and that it is real, however its only real by the fact that it exists as a separate entity, functioning in parts just as much as reality. It is not necessary to believe it real, or that actual harm is caused by a video game. Because the parts function separately from each other and so have a central hub. Much like the video game discussed in the story, in that it uses tech we don't have to achieve separate parts.
it can be achieved here as well, through separate parts and functions in essentially the same way, except each ending would be a separate part. Much like my video game uses separate maps to form the different endings for each rabbit bird.
While I will discuss how it has an effect on reality later on in this blog, its useful to note that it is of phental nature and phental parts can easily be swapped. Meaning video games do not effect reality and do, depending on how you want it to be. Much like some people don't believe in magic and live fine lives while some do and experience magic.
Now the reason I suggest not believing video games effect reality is that firstly magic (which this essentially is ) doesn't always work and further do you really want to go through the same things that happen in the video game in real life? If not don't believe they effect it that way.
So then how do they function, if not every time? It functions that way only when you will it to, because of its phental nature. Which will through your decision to activate it, cause it to effect your reality in some form ( like defeating a demon ). This isn't to say it can't be every time, but that you must simply will it to be that way.
This concludes the story and after study.
PS; Because Phental matter is an entirely different topic, I will save it for another time. All you need to know for now, is that they are comprised of parts just like normal physical and mental matter and can be swapped based on will, just like its two source parts ( mind and matter )
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