I am Holixion, the Faithful
GOD is great because of his creation, he created a round planet which was born by chance, which by even greater chance evolved life as the only planet with life in all of creation, he built it as a test for man so they would learn to believe and fear him.
Who is so great he
invented men as its caretaker and who he wishes to be fruitful and multiply,
giving each one free will so they could choose him as the all-powerful creator,
for his greatness is his test , which is simple , choose GOD and you go to
heaven, choose anything but and you go to hell. You can know you chose GOD
because he made you happy and if you’re sad it is because GOD is not chosen at
that time and so you are in hell.
His greatness is also characterized by the
many options he gives you in life, all of which should be done in according
with happiness and not hell. Since it is very important that we do the right thing to continue living in heaven, or fear finding ourselves in hell, where things are not comfortable for us.
He is so great he gave us challenges to overcome. So that we may not be bored without things to do, it is vastly important however that we entertain ourselves with the right things , since he created a plan and plot for us, that must be done according to the plan, if one were to try going against the plan , only hell awaits and it is impossible to continue off plan.
He gave us life so we could love him by loving each other , thanking the same
as he thanks us and loves us, forgiving us even for our mistakes when we ask, because
then we go back to the heaven, because god is the greatest.
Now many would dare say such a being does not exist, but their is plenty of evidence for his existence, because GOD is there, since the word GOD exists and is a thing, we can know this and consider it all necessary evidence, yet GOD gives us even more evidence, since we can ask how anything exists at all and find that the only explanation is God, since god precedes everything and nothing precedes him in the absolute sense.
We can also say that he exists because their must be something behind reality and we know its God because their is no other thing behind that, the only other thing one could say is that their is a substance , but even that does not precede god since he created that substance.
This first and final thing is God the unmoved mover, which must exist because without that their would be no motion in this world and no origin for anything, even the big bang requires explanation, while god requires none by definition. If their was no divine presence, nothing could move, exist and life would mean nothing, yet in all cases that is not the case since I can move, things exist and my words mean something. If it was nothing then their would be no order or sense , yet their is sense.
We have all experienced the glory of GOD, when we feel happiness and see parts of him in our larger thoughts of wonder, because this is the holy spirit of the good, embracing us from above.
In knowing this we must admit that god is all powerful, because he moves all things from his place beyond, answers our prayers when we ask and is capable of anything because he invented the whole earth and cosmos and is obviously GOD, so beyond he is right here carrying us through difficulty and so omni he is neither male, female or trans because that would not make him god the creator of those things.
GOD said at the beginning , let their be light and their was light, we know this because if we reach into the deep questions , we cannot find anything higher than light as the prime substance, all the rest is simply shades of light, a radiant glow which bounces off itself, forming reality from the darkness that preceded it. GOD however is not the light nor dark, but came before both nothing and the great something, hovering over it. We know it is light firstly because when you light up a room the room appears, in this way GOD made the world.
Now we know that following God in my model their is Darkness and Light, Now Darkness was simply the absence before light, while light is the whole world, and it brings things into existence by bouncing off itself and so forming great and random , but orderly shapes, scientists explain this phenomenon as symbols so they can understand the way the light effects itself for the good of our light, the soul.
We are meant to be in the light metaphorically because the light is joy, Without this light we have nothing since it would blind us from the truth of love, this is why you should carry the light with you wherever you go, because it is the way to happiness, and to remember it is always with you , so you may be with God. If we loose our light we loose our soul and must retrieve it from the darkness.
We are not god , since we are made of light, which he is in charge of , men are also not perfect like him because he created our capacity to become better , while he is the most absolutely perfect thing, but we are made in his image because we are like and can know him, but will never be him because he is far beyond us, just as the planet is far beyond us and can only be slightly grasped, or even more so the whole world we explore.
He made us this way because he himself cannot make something equal to himself, since he ascends and precedes all creation by nature, even if one says their is two ultimate Gods, they would have to be different and if they were different, then their would be a precede. Still then their is only one GOD.
This is why god is beyond, because he precedes all things while man is preceded by GOD but can be known by Man and so it is not the duty of Man to be GOD, but to instead take care and develop ones life in accordance with GOD, since we have free will to choose to loose our soul or not. Luckily we can regain our soul at anytime.
We can treat the earth well by being kind to it, only taking what is needed and being as kind as one can in a circumstance, so as to keep other people from loosing their souls and protecting each other from those who have given up on GOD, who is sad for those people because they are in hell. It is great sorrow when someone looses faith because they cannot be happy, since they don't have GOD with them.
I sincerely hope you find God, because I wish for you to be happy and not trapped in hell. Because life is better with God, who loves you with his gracious light and sweet awe hidden with science.
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