You can say they are alternate dimensions, but some disagree because to them the other dimension isn't real. So to say the multiverse is connected , or even real would be an imperfect description. a better one would be between the multiverse and none at all. Which would be described as a world where people have beliefs and they exist and are true automatically. This is because of things simply coming into being at inception, in entirety of history at the moment of creation. Which are born thanks to the mind and reflect in nature, which is multiple things relevant only to what you say it is.
Let us begin this discussion with a review and modification of some of the persomnia you already know.
This is the persomnia of every, Averon, who is the knower of each thing, who says in words of twice , since their is no other form by which to declare the uttering of his kind. every sees in three but is truly the fourth for each of his kinds are of his companions. Taking from the tree that which is ripe and it is all ripe. Averon agrees that each fruit identical is unlike the fruit unlike it and knows this well, declaring each to be true. This is in offering to the person unlike him that his and his enemy and their unity are true most certainly. Showing great wonders at the sight of three things that stand as one.
Fun Fact: Averon rules over the element paint, because paint is as mud, acid and tar together. This is the tool by wich it uses to paint the radiance of its ideal and its hairsplitting details in the field of time
Averon decrees that:
Since the three exist, and each has something to say of the sacred asparagus then it is i that shall reveal the fourth truth of its holy nature, thou shall must not eat it, thou shall eat it and thou shall eat only half of it on Thursdays for that is the truth, the world must be this way by declaration of parts.
This is the fifth persomnia of this page, who declares that all be innocent and listen to wise words without hate, that we walk along the path of self fulfillment through our innocence of matters such as the truth. It is wise she says as she wishes for the world to be innocent and pure, yet fears greatly those who bring ruin upon themselves, for this the way is lost to her. She has no reason for it. So she loves the ones who are innocent in matters of truth, who do not dare crown themselves with intellect, who would rather find themselves wrong in parts then perfect in self deceit, innocence be the way to the order of things. She has no virtue beyond that of innocence, pure she has not been forced into anything.
Fun Fact: Inny's element is plush , for she is soft and made of light things like the clouds but reachable she is without weight. She uses plush to bring comfort to her, she pleasant and cuddly.
Inny decrees that:
Since it is welcome that the three others have taken part in the holy nature of the asparagus, it brings her excitement to say that one should most certainly eat asparagus with mashed potatoes on Thursday. For it is her great symbol, of a delicious and innocent meal, this is the symbolism of her sweet nature. She does this because she knows in innocence that everyone has a valid opinion.
Vilin is much like Ita , for Morius would be accepting of these ideas. Vilin however comes later, who decrees that no this is a lie, their is not truth but he and all the rest are doomed by the fashion of their lies. One cannot be wrong , unless it isn't vilin's view, you must abide only to the true truth and non other than this. For any who do are forsaken to the pit he had prepared for them. He shall not allow any to go to a place of respite without being just like him and will go out to convince the eternity of his one truth. He will be victor and he will be won. All who fail shall be made vile. His truth is absolute , his truth is total and complete and none shall be with him without it. Do not follow the demons he'll say, they are deceivers he'll scream, for I Vilin am the correct one by definition.
Fun Fact: Vilin's element is metal, for he is hard and unbreakable , made of weight and unmoving with sharp blades, Vilin shall forever stand as the one who demands absolutes in only him, him alone.
Vilin decrees that:
Since I am the one who defines the single truth, it is I who shall reveal the true law of the asparagus! Thou shall be given one peice on any day but Thursday, on Thursday you shall consume only those that are spiced and thou shallt cry out hail Vilin before the meal. those who do not , shall be covered with piles of metal in the pit. Those who do my demands shall inherit the great kingdom of iron and live with I forever.
Hypholon is the persomnia of (insert new word here) , best described as the in between of Vilin (who also is described as something without a word ) and Innocence. He comes after Vilin but is like him, for Hypholon decrees a similar thing, that he is right alone, only this time the persomnia decrees that each one is the true creator, that each is perfect in its own way and that everything is according to the will. For each man is like their god and so like themselves. Each person has a word and that word is God, yet he reminds you eternally that they all exist and that they all are profound discovery. In honesty he decrees that the nature of each is itself and that each divinity is the one true god. That Vilin is right and so is Inny and the rest in the statements and that this is purity as each is one and true.
Fun Fact: Hypholon rules over the element space , for he knows most certainly that their is space for any belief and that each is to their kind. He stands outstretched in the cosmos calling all to their kingdom.
Hypholon decrees that:
All versions of the asparagus is true for each is a part , like no other that exists. Do what thou willt.
We have reached the 7 things to know from the tale of one question, yet their is still ever more.
Look yee now at the 8th persomnia that is a new enemy in the fruits of life, horror at its abomination for it is the husband of Hypholon! Who dares declare that no the others are wrong and he is the true god of this world , for he is everything, he is the grass the trees and the eternal parts that dwell anywhere and everywhere. He is the whole of the world and all things. All consuming, if one points a finger at something it is Ashter, who is unlike Hypholon in that he is the only God. For Hypholon is he and he is beyond him. Mourn the death of your false gods he says for I have risen and I am all things, I am Ita, I am Morius, I am Ypoc, I am Averon, I am Inna , I am Vilin and I am Hypholon, for together we form the great being that is I , the one true all consuming form of things known and unknown. He demands that all believe everything and all things.
Fun Fact: Ashter's element is the void, the whole of nothing that he consumed and devoured and shall continue to do. This would be the root by wich the whole earth be transformed into his formless maw.
Ashter decrees that:
nothing for he is nothing. Utters the words of his child:
Cwap is beyond even the eater of worlds, for he is the one who is smaller than the tiniest thing. This is the child of everyone is right and everything. He believes truly and most certainly that his fathers are wrong, that they say its all right and that its fundamentally that that is true, Cwap says no this is not that simple, for they are hypocrites saying only they are right. They speak saying look, the people are all things together so it must be all of them together, but this in itself is like Ita in her one thing, they may be huge beings , but i am small and they are like me, one thing. For certainly do they include Ita, but they are not Ita or Vilin or any other, who are all identical in that position, that they are one of a kind, but even if they are made of other kinds , they are not the same and so cannot be right. This by the power of Cwap proves universally that they are wrong and hypocrites because they say they are true yet identical to their unique peers simply in being different.
Fun Fact: Cwaps element is sand, for it lingers as a tiny thing and each look the same, together they form a meaningless storm. So it is revealed by Cwap that the people are different yet the same and drowned out therefore.
Cwap decrees that:
the asparagus is one of many kinds, for it looks similar to another asparagus , but it is never the same asparagus. Look now at your food and know that it will never be again, look for it is one and different.
Hear yee , hear yee, for Wonna has risen and she has come bearing a great message to the people. It is clear by the words of Cwap that their must be one ruler above all, this shall be the duty of me to reveal, for it is true that the people want an answer to the question of the asparagus! Look yee now upon this great question! which bears the one true name of God ! who among these thousand spirits is the true people of the world , the chosen people. Who is truly the way to the festivities of heaven and who is to be not chosen. This is the great mystery, greatest of them all and is my temple that I call! We shall never know for their are 7 thousand infinities to search from and to.
Fun Fact: Wonna's element is the tulip , for it is small and frail like her claim to the one true faith among hundreds. She sits within it calling up her people , oh what misery will they discover.
Wonna decrees that:
The Asparagus is truly a mystery so great, for it will one day lead to the discovery of the truth, for it is of one way, an asparagus and so we shall find in it the true way of it, for it is in the great mystery.
Finally let us look at one more way its parsimp.
Behold the ultimate truth of the day! So far we have seen many false spirits who decree many things that contradict themselves. This cannot be true, for they contradict so, so odd is that that nature beholds and obtains so may kinds of reeds, so many forms of grass and so many bamboo. We have with us the final of the day, who seeks one thing , to tell you you and you alone are right, but he's saying it to many, but he lies to them, its just you, your right. Congrats at winning the game of life, you were right all along, whatever you thought is true, but he's pointing at me, not you, too. What oh what can we do! He's saying your right, that you are perfectly correct and the rest are lies, but theirs another thing he says, since you think your right , you worship I and I am your god! In tragedy he admits his great secret, that he is a grass, and when you cut grass it might grow back! So think before you act, and keep the grass green and yellow or paint it blue, either way your right! This is the end, this is your God! He says your right and that's what you say, behold the demon that has and rules all people. He's an asparagus!
Fun Fact: the element Asparag rules over is none other than... chairs. Because all you do is sit there and think about mowing the lawn but never do because that's wrong. Hail to the those who don't cut the grass, for your right you could, but its nice to let it grow, plus it doesn't even die.
Asparag would like to say one thing...
He has cursed you with eternal life, so that those who cut the grass can suffer when it grows back and they have to do it again. forever, cause grass is king! So be like the grass, tall and strong, with not a care in the world for it companions next door, just live and don't bother trying to invade cause other pieces of grass already got there first. Your right though, you could exterminate the grass, but it grows back... it even breaks concrete!
But unfortunately theirs probably more.
Like all the other persomnia on other pages of this blog.
This was the journey I made to make the discovery of a symbol for my faith.
Hail the discovery of the sacred symbol of Parsimp and its eternal growth.
The persomnia of it, this is the persomnia that decrees the only thing she is, refusing to be anything else. She does not want to be what you want her to be because that's it , she's what she says it is. Some would argue that she is not opened minded, but she is not, because she wants that. Its wrong to bother changing her mind, you'll both fail and perhaps be insulted. She is a powerful being who stands for what she is, demanding all only it as what she says it is. Her it is what it is and you won't be permitted to make a modification. Opinions to her are simply wrong, she does not care for them.
Fun Fact: the element that Ita rules is mud, because she is made of the solid earth and the wet waters of belief. This means she is in the mud and refuses to come out, since she is happy where she is.
Ita decrees that:
It is forbidden to eat asparagus on Thursdays. since the asparagus is sacred to her, those who do shall be poured into mud in afterlife, for it is abomination before Ita, ruler of the wet forests and swamps.
In the beginning Ita made the world, for she was concerned that their was nothing, taking the mud of nothing she molded the earth, but it would often fall apart as it was mud, so she made many kinds of mud. As she did this she sung the song of her origin saying:
"I came from beyond the nothing, rose up from the mud to awake within the swamp of eternity!"
When she was done their was a world, it was as a swamp, great and massive. Full of reeds and hills, trees and great lakes of muddy water. Yet Ita was disappointed for their were no things to look and care for her creation. So taking the asparagus , she plucked it from its root and using her magic conceived of a race of creatures. They were tall and human, for this was her ways. She made them like herself but unlike her. She told them to ever care for the forest and to forever look after it, teaching them to build huts. She decreed one thing from her creations, that they abide to her rules and that they go not to other Gods.
Her tenants are simple and strict, for they must be followed since it is her that creates the world it is her that decides what is done with it.
1. Thou shall not kill another man or women.
2. Thou shall not eat the sacred asparagus on Thursday.
3. Be kind to each other.
4. Do not worship other Gods, they are not true.
5. Have fun.
6. Do not do wrong, for you know its wrong.
She spoke and said that those who disobey shall die and be cast into mud!
One day however, the men where bored of just having each other, so they prayed to her and she appeared before them. they spoke saying:
"We are happy with our world, but we are not happy with being alone."
Ita understood this , for she realized she had forgotten one thing for her people, she was queen and so she could decide for herself. So taking the rocks she turned some of them into animals so that they could have pets and look at the wonders of wild beasts. She made many small and frail creatures for the men, such as frogs and birds, but no large creature to harm her creations.
Then she drew a picture in the mud, saying this is my symbol, the frog. For this is my favorite creation, other than you the humans. Be kind to it, it is the most favorable of the animals.
Then she vanished back to the edge of time.
Sometime later, beyond the edges of the swamp, where their was nothing, Morius appeared, having risen from out of the nothing around him, he wanted to create a world , for he enjoyed this idea.
The persomnia of more, who is much like it, who either agrees with her somewhat, but never all, or none at all. Morius is more, meaning their is more to the world then just what Ita says and Morius agrees with that instead of what Ita says. It is also wrong to change Morius's mind and it cannot be done anyways. This is because all who abandon Ita were never meant to be with her and the same for Morius. He is a powerful being that stands only for more and other then it, Who often comes after Ita and says wrong it is this and who declares Ita join him in this, this is his and her sin.
Fun Fact: the element that Morius rules is acid, because he is made of watery belief and the fire of difference. This means he stands on the acid and holds up his hand proclaiming he has found life.
Morius decrees that:
It is in great strength that one learns to eat in the way it is done, you must eat your favorite meals, but eat asparagus on only Thursdays, for it is important to be strong and control the acid of the stomach.
So saying with great passion:
"It is I , Morius who shall build the first world for none exist here. It shall be a great city, in the field of the world."
So then with his great power the acids burned away the nothing and made thus forth a city so vast in the center of a great field, he uttered his first words to the people that came with the city, saying:
" you will be my people and you are to go out and explore this place and you are to ensure all people believe in me. For I am the one god."
He formed his tenants before the people, written on a wall of the city, they were loose and honest.They read:
1. Do no harm to those around you.
2. You are to always insure the people worship me.
3. You must ensure a proper diet, eat Asparagus on Thursdays.
4. you must never worship any other gods.
5. Explore the world I made for you.
6. Have fun.
He then formed great animals in the fields , animals like cows and sheep, none that were violent or carnivores, for this was not his intent.
So the people did as they were told and journeyed out in search of the worlds wonders, looking throughout the fields they walked and lived in the many cities he had built for them. The people were kind to each other and would go in search of the way, ensuring to eat as much asparagus on Thursday as they could, for it grew excessively in the fields.
One day they discovered the swamp at the edge of their world, with great excitement they journeyed into it , thinking it was the creation of their god. This would be a great event in the history of the two worlds.
The day of the event was sweet and soft wind blew, the people of the city came walking happily into the forest where they discovered huts and other people, dressed differently. Now many talked and were excited by the discovery of different people. Soon they realized they had different gods and in horror came the realization of the the asparagus problem, for they ate one before them and it was Thursday. The people of Ita were furious and afraid, for they had never seen such a thing.
Further the people of Morius did not believe them saying:
" You are to worship Morius , for he is God."
Still those of Ita were unhappy and they chased the people of Morius away, for this was abomination before their Goddess.
The people of Morius would constantly return, trying to convert the people of Ita. It was their duty, but the people of Ita did not abide, they would not believe another God.
Yet oneday, a man came to the huts and fell in love with a women there. Soon he had fathered a child with the women, a child born between both worlds. The child came forth confused for he did not know who to believe. Was his God morius or ita!
This torment was his burden, the children did not play with him, but he was welcome in both cities. Learning both of their ways he oneday called out to both gods, hoping to make peace with them for he was an outcast in the world.
Neither appeared, so the boy decided it was best if he made his own God, even though both faiths said not too. So he took the faiths of both and combined them into a third God , saying:
"Look for I am of both worlds, I know your ways and this is my God."
Soon the people gathered before the child, he had broken a rule in both camps, he had made a new God, but the boy said look, this is true you are the same. You both wish not to worship another God and you shall not, for this is your God. Before them appeared a third God. Ypoc!
We are approaching the problem, for here is the third persomnia , Ypoc, persomnia of unification. This persomnia makes a world full of unified portions, which are always two opposites combined. Agreeing with everyone only because they believe's that through unification the world improves, since it is the best of both. It is important to note that Ypoc is certain of its unificational truth and that through it anything is made true. Ypoc is an important persomnia since it represents a way to advance in search of the truth, since one is always faced with new ideals and new notions to unify.
Fun Fact: Ypoc rules over the element tar, because it is soft until it takes hold of the mold and is made of mud and acid, Ypoc carries the tar with him and tosses it at his opponents in honesty.
Ypoc decrees that:
Who spoke out and said:
"I have come to make the world, for this is the world I created, it is I who made the two of you and it is I who shall be your God."
Ypoc made the world by destroying the first two, he had come and taken away the people of Ita and Morius and the world of the two Gods ended abruptly. For their was no more world of the city and world of the swamp, the two had been destroyed and its people replaced in an instant with the people of Ypoc. For his tenants were simple:
1. Do not harm another. You will die.
2. Do not worship other Gods.
3. Do only the good you know.
4. Eat half an Asparagus on Thursday.
Now this was the world , for the old world had passed. Its people dead, for in the moment of worshiping Ypoc, the people became as Ypoc and Morius and Ita faded from them, so they had perished in death of who they were.
So it was done the people of Ypoc built a city of huts and skyscrapers to live in between the swamp and hills, this would be their new home for in the unification their was no need to explore, for they were truly one. They lived in the place between for a very long time, content and happy, for they had what they willt.
However , one day the people grew bored, and set out to explore, having forgotten of the old worlds, they searched the two places and found the ruins of old. Enlightened by the truths of this ancient people, the people now saw 3 gods, but each claimed truth as the only God. Certain people chose certain Gods for they desired the gods of old and others stayed with what they believed was the true God. So it was on that day that the city became three. Those who left offended the people who stayed and in sorrow the world was now divided between three great faiths. For it was now the lands of Ita , Morius and Ypoc. Each decreed their faith the true faith of the world and its true purpose for life. So then a great war began, by the actions of a few , who broke their own commandments in anger and set out to destroy the other two.
The battle waged for a hundred years, their were victories and defeat, but no faith ever vanished completely. The people had soon forgotten their commandments of peace and so their Gods had in secret all but abandoned them.
Now , a great spirit was passing by when he saw the turmoil of this world, and so it descended before the great nations at war.
Arrives Averon, who speaks and says:
"look at you people, who have abandoned your ways. You are not worthy and so I dare say behold the three of you are right in completion, for it is three debates made one. You may live as any of the three. For they are all good and true. So then live happily as the three of you who are."
And so the world was once more made clean and the people lived in harmony as three faiths made one. For they did not agree, but they did.
Until the day a girl said no, I want a different faith, for their are three and I want a fourth one, so she went off to worship this new faith in the central city of the world, others followed and the people grew angry for once more they had lost people of faith for another. This time the beings name was Inny, who was innocence in a world of three faiths.
It created another realm one where the people lived comfortably in plush houses and lived in celebration by eating the whole asparagus with mashed potatoes. The tenants as stated by the girl were quite simple.
1. Be kind to one another.
2. eat your mashed potatoes.
3. Care for the animals.
4. Study the world for we are innocent.
Their was no appearance of the being and so some doubted its existence in the world, but further they grew concerned for their was not mention of studying the earth in their texts. Their imaginings run rampant and so the people began to wonder if this was permitted. Still their Gods did not answer.
Fearful, for no God came the people wondered if the act of making a new god had once more caused the gods to abandon them.
Then Vilin appeared , for he had come with the making of metal, a discovery of the faith of Inny.
Vilin decreed before the people, that those who lived here were the lost souls of his faith, for long ago he had taken great disappointment in them and that it was their fault. He made it known to all of them that one must become like him, for it was only through this that they would not be thrown under metal.
Not everyone wanted this for they loved their gods and soon their was a war to force them to become as Vilin desired, they would be taken together as one people and they would advance scientifically towards the great wonders ahead of them. They would not worship other Gods, for this was sin. This war however would not end until all people were one.
Vilin decreed with great threat:
1. Thou shall forcibly convert the non followers.
2. Thou shall work towards science and study.
3. you shall not eat asparagus without spice, everyday.
4. thou shall treat each other as decreed.
5. No other god shall be welcome.
So the followers went with him and forced the rest to, but some fled, for they did not desire it at all.
The argument for Vilin was that he had appeared, the argument for Inny was that she had appeared differently. So the two faiths continued in constant battle, with one constantly trying to spare the other. Yet none could think of an answer to this feud, for one desired to forcibly control the other and the other wanted to live in peace under its rules.
Soon things worsened still, for people of both would leave those faiths and return to the old ones, for they had liked that way of living. So the ways of science and spirit advanced in this way, with people returning to the older ways and staying in the new. The world was wholly divided, their were some living between the swamps and cities, in the cities and in the swamps and some far off in distant lands of plush, other building a great mechanical empire in the south.
The turmoil was great and unending until the day a great giant descended from the heavens! He spoke out against the two faiths saying with great concern,
look you the people have destroyed your world. None listen , none truly desire the other and you have made your world a thousand times. I have come from the cosmos to declare that each of your faiths is true, for everyone is right!
look you the people have destroyed your world. None listen , none truly desire the other and you have made your world a thousand times. I have come from the cosmos to declare that each of your faiths is true, for everyone is right!
The people fell to their knees, for everyone was right and their new God had spoken but this solved not the forced conversion. Yet the new god Hypholon spoke out and said:
"Behold , those who force the people to become like them, for you are right! They force you to become like them too, so then you must only force those within your city, for this is the way, those who set foot in your world must abide to the ways of your people. For you desire that those who worship other gods worship yours and do not wish to see evidence of the others and without the others You are not in the same world, for multiple gods created the earth."
So the earth was calmed, but then the people saw another figure greater still then the peoples God. Ashter.
Who dared say it was everything alone.
The people were horrified , they did not want to believe everything, they did not like everything.
The people were horrified , they did not want to believe everything, they did not like everything.
But another came and said no,
you are one of a kind for their are all the one kind and I am not god. Still this was the child of the two, for he had defeated the two. By being a third that was not.
you are one of a kind for their are all the one kind and I am not god. Still this was the child of the two, for he had defeated the two. By being a third that was not.
But another came and said but their is one right, somewhere in the world. For it was not God.
So the people went on in scientific pursuit to find the one that was God. Treating each other fairly until the day they could find the one truth of the world, for their must be one truth for all to follow, perhaps it was that everyone was right, perhaps it was not
The world ended again in those days and a new one was born. The world in search of the truth.
Then they found a tree that spoke and said look, for I am the one that is found, behold you know not which one it is and it is that. So the people burst into laughter and went back to their faiths and the battle began again, since they did not beleive the tree and knew it must be one of the may faiths they beleived. Still it was not over.
Then it came about in the forest , in the search of the truth a great horror lost deep in the woods. If its one of them wich would it possibly be, oh horror. the forest is bigger then the universe. What is the way through to the truth, for it could most certainly be that one or this one. It could be Ita, it could be morius it could even be Cwap. Yet we have no idea which it could be, we pick the fruit we eat without knowing if its rotten. Tragedy this is when they are all so beautiful and it is not everything because some say it is not. So then what is the way? oh perhaps it is in the great mystery of that, thinking deep about the forgotten things we see that it really could be any of them, but that we will never know. Sigh to the tree in the center that sings a song of tragedy, saying futility to those who bother and failure to those who don't , we don't know and this is the one truth, of them all. Horror, we are ignorant of which one and that's the one! Let us bless the tree that told us so.
Fun Fact: Treeden rules over the element of wood, so easily burned that it turns all to ash, and so strong it holds up a beautiful thing, that cannot be harmed and bares the fruit of all things, but cannot be known.
Treeden decrees that:
The asparagus is unknown, you cannot know its rules or its ways for it could and cant be sin to eat it on Thursday, glory to this horror that lingers in the forests of the ancients, behold it beauty and tragedy.
Then a small boy found an asparagus that spoke and said:
"Your right. Only you."
And the boy ate the asparagus for it was Thursday. The boy thought himself right alone and so the birthright as king of truth. He was so proud of his knowledge and understanding for it was absolutely true. He embraced corruption and set out to conquer the world.
But Asparag laughed and said to him outside his body as another thing.
"Look now, for the others are there among you, and they would stop you, now think of your ultimate enemy and know that they are like grass and you, growing back anew. So you will not win until its only me and you."
And all the beings appeared before him, living in a city beyond nothing, for he knew that what he said was true without them , but also true with them but without.
Because its Parsimp and its not at all that. Its yours with theirs. Or not at all for anyone, not because they're right but because its a test to see if you'll kill the rest. That doesn't work. Because they go back to it, and more come. so this is not what you are or who you are to become, but how you stay who you are and what you want to become.
Because its Parsimp and its not at all that. Its yours with theirs. Or not at all for anyone, not because they're right but because its a test to see if you'll kill the rest. That doesn't work. Because they go back to it, and more come. so this is not what you are or who you are to become, but how you stay who you are and what you want to become.
Interestingly , their is actually more that will come after this.
A tale for another time.
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