The Phental part.

A phental part is a part between mind and matter and is defined as such because it is best known for being comprised of the two. It is important to note that their are many phental things and they are not all alike. Therefore , they are difficult to define without example. So then I shall show you an example. However, they almost always cross the boundary between mind and matter and are quite interesting in their potential usages.

A simple example would be the day or the night, which some will say is a thing. However, it is not physical only, in that their is not a boundary between the portions of it and is measured through the mind. In fact it does not contain an accurate portion that can be graphed onto something and does not feature an inherent mental nature, while still doing so as a physical thing. As you can see, a phental is not easy to understand.

These are useful for the creation of universes and worldviews because they allow for fundamental unique tools of creation. If one were to redefine the day as only existing at sunset and call the portion that is blue the plastic ceiling that comes before every day, this would be a different phental part. Since it takes into account the mental thought of something and the physical aspect of something.

Another example would be the mirror and the idea that it is another universe. Together they form a new concept that can be used for various purposes. The interesting thing is that they can be swapped and so be unique to a specific individual or following. They are however quite interesting.

Some will say they are an illusion, this is one possible phental part. Even in this view they can still be explored if one wishes. However others will say they are real and this is also a valid phental part, since if one were to allow all parts in ones head, it would not be the same as only having one or a few.

Some have utility , such as words, which are on a paper or page, but whose information is in ones head. These are useful for their specific tasks and abilities.

Now how does one make a phental part? Well it is quite simple, take a physical thing and ascribe to it a mental part. That is all you have to do. However , do not try to find them all, find the ones you like and disregard the rest. Do consider the consequences of each however and modify them accordingly.

The goal here is to find the world you like, I like making them, you can do that , but you can also just have your own world. Their are many and can even be made from the portions of other worlds, however don't feel forced to take all of a world and don't force others to take from yours unless they want to. Modify accordingly, but respect the idea of parts and their rules.

That is all, and please, if you have a question just ask.

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