I am Newba, the New
Evil exists because some people god created like it, because God is good and evil and it is wrong to be evil, but it is also wrong to be good, because no one is perfect and all perspectives are relative to what you like, meaning that if a good person or evil person forces their desires and beliefs on another , it is evil. The troubles of this world for both good and evil, are the enemy of humanity, our knowledge is the gift from God to redeem the problems.
This is the plot and was the test of mankind, to do creation or to destroy it, its destruction only leads to suffering for both and GOD is great because of his creation of earth and heaven, which is to be pulled down from earth. Their is only one planet in creation and it is flat, but that will be explained much later in the lessons. Division is both key to heaven and hell, but only when unified does it lead to heaven. Our world is divided but not unified so is rather lacking in parts, since it lacks the true God. Hell and Heaven are different for everyone.
Dying babies are meant to be cured of their death, but they are one of three things, evil people who did atrocities in past lives, people that know of gods infinite nature and came back this way to encourage the resolution of problems or people who are in fact in their heaven. In two cases they are meant to be redeemed of their illness because it isn't fair. In the third and all three it isn't fair for the parents either, for the same reason of requiring a solution. It is a tragedy, but serves like all tragedies, as a problem to be overcome.
People go to heaven or hell in death, this can mean reincarnating here or not, somewhere else in the universe at large or even going to the true heaven, if they can and are allowed, those in hell on earth can be redeemed for their punishments, others are in hell for other reasons, because they abandoned their goals, which can still be attained or are suffering due to another because they are in hell.
God is real because he is a part, exists beyond the world and became the world by using and being himself at the beginning, the big bang was god becoming real, seen from our perspective as existence, god is the world and more beyond it, their is only god after nothing, because nothing too is a part that exists. Nothing came first, then their was something, as the nothing was moved by GOD so that something could fill it, the something, their was and empty field of nothing and this was filled with all things.
Life means nothing and everything and so the meaning of life is an art to form your own purpose, our will is determined to be what we desire, so even if its nature is determined (which it isn't in what follows) we have a free will, further still we have a choice to act within the seven sacred points, which are demonstrated in the tests but that I will further explain later.
Our opinions are all correct and everything exists here or in other dimensions, but it is only one that is true, the unified one or 7th theory, just as this is my true spirituality and not its predecessors on my blog. Some of you may say my god is Newba, and that it is the same as the Babylonian religion of Babel, but it is and isn't because God is not Newba, instead Newba is the middle child of eternity, meaning the Persomnia that unifies the others , but since their is still more to this than those 7 beings , this cannot be the true GOD. Further the tower of Babylon fell because it distorted language and was only trying to reach Marduk,
the tower of Avondale was not built and doesn't fall because it does and is rebuilt stronger than before, this is the key to God , who knocks over the tower so we can grow in wisdom, because we were wrong and must repent. It will confuse your language however because everything is rather extensive. Still the many pagan towers of Babylon in this world also have confused language because they speak only of their one god amiss the true one and so none understand each other, even atheists are correct, because they worship the pagan god of wisdom which is a part of GOD.
The towers of Babel have already fallen because they are filled, you cannot add anything more to atheism than what has been said, the same goes for all other temples, therefore all that is left is the unifying aspect between them. This is the natural progression of history and delusion, since their always comes a time when the wine glass fills and must be drunk , made from the many grapes grown over the seasons, only then can we make better wine from its combinations. Since their are many kinds of wine. We can still have to old wine too. This means that unification is inevitable because their is nothing left but that to do.
If you don't like your religion it is probably not your religion and beliefs but those forced upon you. Still this is probably already known which is why you became an atheist, you can remain atheist if you want , but you can also forge your own beliefs of spiritual nature. They should be compatible with the rest of your environment or face the consequences.
I have gone further still than just what is written in this test, if you don't like what I say, it is because your part is not unified or you want to be in the part that is only of one kind that is and is not God, which is compatible with my beliefs. This is also related to the fall of Babylon, because they wanted everything Marduk, but not everyone did, which is why their deserves to be places where your beliefs are mostly the only one. Because people don't always change their beliefs for various reasons. Meaning lands of only atheism and religion.
New ideas are empty, self circular and gifts from God, all are coincidence and gods work, man is insane and knows nothing, but does many things, even the elders of ancient wisdom know nothing because all ideas are empty and incomplete.
Suffering can be anything from karma to another's pain leaking into your life, which should encourage problem solving. God cannot only give us Good because we would get bored, that is why an adventure has some suffering, but being with God does in fact keep you in heaven because it makes you happy on the search for solutions , which distracts you from the pain, but doesn't until solved so solving the problems of the earth constantly is heaven, with breaks. We also know God isn't only evil, because all evil is a lie, and lies aren't true but are until seen other wise, but all ideas are lies and truth until the end where all is all.
God doesn't exist , because he does, since he created both existence and non-existence, this is because their are holes, walls and halls between. Therefore magic is possible, but is not witchcraft in the evil sense, that is denying something with intent or not even with intent thereby insulting god who is all things, causing a lack of parts which by their own nature give them what they want, one part, but fail in lack of their being only one part in presence. Magic is a prayer, since both are almost the same, one being to god the other to a part of him.
Evil people who do atrocious things go to hell, this is because god wants to punish and also does not so does only to the bad. Still he'd rather have heaven on earth because that way he can do both good and bad in a way that is only Good. God wants a show, not a commercial, this is the commercial not the show. All prophecies are being fulfilled in new and strange ways, its over, such tragedy but life goes on, beauty is vastly important, evil is conquered by letting it be that way and unifying it with good, because all perspectives are relative.
Testing a theory is vastly important in an age of science as limits are exponential, meaning breaking more makes more limits, lesser parts alone are more wrong than new ones, new ones, when unified with their old are more true. Negativity is a required part , since it is the limit and must be unified.
Religion is the proof , since it can be unified, further so can science, a contradiction indicates an issue and must be unified. Atheists are all pagans in the sense that those who follow faith are also atheists because they don't believe the atheists. Their is a substance of the many kinds agreed apon by all people since we know it exists ( it also doesn't ), trees are a part of this substance. The substance that believers often point to when saying proof of god is not God, GOD is still beyond that.
All philosophy and spirit attempt to attain the same thing , because that is what is desired, the difference is the attainment of it , which should be unified, spirituality is simplified and unified philosophy, and vice versa because they are twins.
In newtons case , he knew this secret but could not explain it, Jesus did know this and could explain it, this is because what I am discussing is the philosophers stone, he used Angels, I use Persomnia but both are creations of GOD and both are different Lavors. Non belief is hypocrisy and delusion, it can be okay, but is not true and when used badly it leads to murder. So listen and love. All can be forgiven by gods true love, not the love that requires you to change completely unless you want to.
Each god is a Lavor since a god is not deva, angel, demon, persomnia, spirit or alder, each exists except persomnia which also don't exist. The ancients knew the truth but we lost the way, even new Lavors that we know not of exist. They can even be unified into other beings, Stories totally separate can be connected like the first and second testament which further proves this. No matter what we must sort out the earths problems or suffer, all of us , except the elect. Spirituality is between real and false and so does not obey the laws of this reality , but still do, new ideas show awe. No leap is required in truth, all is psychological, false and true delusion, one must go on the inside to see the truth.
Oblivion is an option for those who wish for nothing in death, because heaven is your dreams, and our dreams deserve to exist, so don't be bad. We are free when unified as one kind, humanity. You control what you invent and this whole thing is in fact math and science because I studied belief and madness and discovered that words are the other numbers and the same equation this is written with works with math.
Their are giants in this world, knowledgeable people who can be both good, bad or both. None know all things and so need to unify their theories to know anything, these are the false prophets and prophets and unification is the unifying root of all creation a sword is made of metal unified with work. The universe mindless and alive like man, morality is all about coexisting as separate parts.
We are not god as humans , but can be godlike in his and only his image , Satan lied when he said we would be gods, telling us that only a pagan god was GOD alone, this is true but destructive. We are not god in unification because we know we cant know all things about god and so cant be god. All is art and science since they are the same nothing is as it seems but is, ever ignorant we learn and forget so we can learn more, the divide is cause by fear in its natural explanation void of god, the unifying evidence is that none abandon their beliefs and if tested and completed in unification can be tested and advanced.
As a final proof of this I shall show you a being greater than the gods that is still not GOD but one of his creations, who just as rocks make up the earth, this being is made of the 7 persomnia that tested you, it is an Alder a being so huge you can barely comprehend it. For to truly know this being you would have to know all things faithful, all things wise, all things fearful, all things mad, all things divine, all things destructive and all things new which is impossible with one person, so good luck, for you could study one of those things your whole life and it wouldn't be all of it. This is but a glimpse of its being. This is why belief is so important. In simple terms he is the greatest of distances, of enormous size and bringer of invention, REMEMBER even this is not GOD, just one of his creations.
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