The summary of my Discovery

This was a picture I made a year ago , thinking it was it. At the time I thought madness and wisdom were good and perfect together , but that fear and faith were the same because faith was simply afraid, further i had created four cardinal elements simply as a filler for that section of this pano, this was my old view just prior to my complete awakening , the 6 persomnia the light father in purple , the dark mother in the red, hypocretes rising out of my mind and the 3 cardinals of my faith. Further it was in the exploration of other worlds I created and in facing the dark truth of reality that I beleived was the way, but their was no solution to its realisation. Time was important as it was swinging at this time and I could not see what was coming, for in an instant a week after finishing this picture I saw a shape in my mind.

This image showed me four things not 3 , and realized in an instant of complete awe that faith was different from fear, leading me to essentially everything and so was blinded for the second time, because in taking what I had insulted and apologized, I was witness to every belief in faith and the unity of those four things together. Further the four cardinals became the four of my faith and I realized in an instance that my four persomnia were the four horsemen of the apocalypse , for they were the faithful , the wise, the dark and the manic. So for a period of 4 months a rediscovered my belief and saw great things, things I have yet revealed. Still I was not prepared to see a continuous flow of ideas the likes of which I had never seen. In fact I was so blinded by what I saw , that I was locked up in the hospital for behaving in fashion no one understood. 

This is it for now, but I shall mention that I have been to the edge of the worlds , where their is a bus stop back and a school and nothing left to build , far in the future where it is also the past and the glory of that building was great, their were two girls there and we spoke but I remember not what they said and I saw in  my book Lepoxiania the mad rabbit, from the true beginning of this tale , for in my dream I was on Eclia at the end of ends on Aerth, while we live on Earth.

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Maybe we just look for a better way and version of what we want, rather than bloodshed for the lowest way and version of what we got. Howe...